
  • EP 39: Free Referrals Leveling The Seesaw For You and Your Agents with Doug Cadaret Part 2
    Mar 17 2022

    Many loan officers do a great job of helping their clients get their loans processed. And you appreciate it when your customer tells you "thank you."

    But when you acknowledge their gratitude, you miss the free opportunity to ask for more business.

    MLO Doug Cadaret runs multiple successful companies. His "Referral Equation" helps him attract tons of clients. He shares how to increase your business by 60% for free.

    In this episode, discover how you can avoid wasting free opportunities to ask for referrals.

    Show highlights include:

    • The "Five Milestone Sequence" process that generates moments of gratitude with your clients (3:57)
    • Why skipping asking for referrals ruins your business (even if they've already signed the loan) (10:53)
    • How validating many small yeses throughout the conversation adds up to one big yes (13:05)
    • Why asking for a referral 5 times adds a minimum of 30% onto your bottomline (18:01)

    Want to get your questions answered live? Head to MLOlive.com and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

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    22 min
  • EP 38: Free Referrals Leveling The Seesaw For You and Your Agents with Doug Cadaret Part 1
    Mar 10 2022

    Nearly all sales people believe they provide exemplary customer service during the sales process. And most likely you are part of that percentage as well.

    But did you know that less than 10% of loan officers ask for referrals during the sales cycle?

    MLO Doug Cadaret is an innovative entrepreneur that runs several organizations. But his "baby" is the "Customer Referral Experience." He tells you exactly how to ask for referrals.

    In this episode, discover how you can start asking for referrals today even before the sales procedure ends.

    Show highlights include:

    • The "Thanks For Noticing" moment that gets you referrals before you close your loans (6:32)
    • Why leading your client through the loan process kills your opportunity for getting referrals (and how you can change that today) (9:14)
    • How acknowledging a "Thank You" from a client sets you up to immediately ask for a referral (11:18)
    • The "Most Overlooked Referral Versus A Lead Reason" that gets you referrals regularly (20:00)

    Want to get your questions answered live? Head to MLOlive.com and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

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    21 min
  • EP 37: Mastering The Purchase Lead Business with Andy Mears
    Mar 3 2022

    The two biggest fears people have why they don't become a loan officer are 100% commission and building relationships.

    But when you focus on relationships, you can make the 100% commission people shy away from so much. The question is how and where do you find the people interested in buying to build a relationship with?

    MLO Andy Mears has a simple lead generation formula that lets his team of loan processors follow to close loans quicker. He shares how to implement the purchase lead process for your business.

    In this episode, discover how you can put a lead generation process in place to grow your company faster.

    Show highlights include:

    • How buying leads adds more clients to your pipeline (even if you already have list of customers) (0:34)
    • Why buying leads lets you create a close personal relationship with your clients (and how you can ask them for referrals) (5:38)
    • The "Lead Generation Tool" that speeds up your loan officers learning curve for closing loans (and makes your company more money) (6:48)
    • Why failing to close 80-85% of your leads skyrockets your business (10:49)

    Want to get your questions answered live? Head to MLOlive.com and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

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    20 min
  • EP 36: Don't Have A Database Or Know Anyone In Your City? WOW! Listen To Mike Cardascia About Meetup
    Feb 24 2022

    Starting your mortgage loan business from scratch is similar to being the new person in the room. And most of the time it is weird and awkward. But it doesn't have to be.

    When you are new to the industry or a new area, meeting a group of people that are vibing makes being the new guy or gal a lot easier.

    MLO Mike Cardascia hosts Meetups to make sure that new people don't have that weird and awkward feeling being new. And when he makes people feel comfortable, they gladly give him their business. Mike shares how you can host Meetups.

    In this episode, discover how you can create your own Meetup group and start building your business!

    Show highlights include:

    • How going to and starting "Meetups" grow your business 20X (2:41)
    • The "High School Party Effect" that gets you more clients (6:54)
    • How sending personalized text messages gives you a higher closing ratio (8:14)
    • Why doing "what you love to do with who you want to do it with" skyrockets your business (even if you have no idea how to do it) (12:35)
    • How wearing something purple lets you find a million dollar listing (14:21)

    Want to get your questions answered live? Head to MLOlive.com and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    25 min
  • EP 35: If You Had To Start Over, What Would You Do First with Brad Brondt A $70 Million Dollar Branch!
    Feb 17 2022

    Many times life throws you a curveball such as moving to a new state or God forbid you or someone else you love gets cancer.

    But in either case, you may have to start your business over. And, wow, that could be very difficult. But it doesn't have to be.

    There is a simple formula that you can follow. And when you implement it, you will have multiple referrals lined up to process.

    MLO Brad Brondt runs a successful loan processing business. And it's the systems in place that makes it run on autopilot. He shares how to create those systems for your business.

    In this episode, discover how you can put processes in place to make your company run more efficiently or start over if you ever have to.

    Show highlights include:

    • How creating an online form for your clients sets up your team for processing a successful loan (even if you know nothing about technology) (2:56)
    • Why uplifting your teammates builds trust with your clients (4:13)
    • How creating a referrable experience process for your clients skyrockets your business (even if you are terrible at sales) (4:42)
    • The "Protecting Your Commissions" method that increases your realtor's paycheck (and makes them think of you first) (8:09)

    Want to get your questions answered live? Head to MLOlive.com and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

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    25 min
  • EP 34: Mail Room To DE Underwriter To A $76 Million Dollar Branch with Chalamaine Armstrong
    Feb 10 2022

    A lot of people are jealous of how much loan officers can make. And maybe you want to quit your dead end job to start a new dream career.

    But most people are not willing to put in the hard work it takes to do that.

    Chalamaine Armstrong got her first job as a mailroom clerk. She transitioned into an underwriter sitting at a desk. But she wanted to help more people.

    She took the jump to loan officer. And now runs a multi-million dollar office as a MLO helping out thousands of clients. She shares with you how to make the leap as well.

    In this episode, listen now to discover how you can quit your dead end job and start your MLO career today!

    Show highlights include:

    • How helping people in a soul-killing customer support role creates the relationships you need to build a successful business (2:42)
    • Why having an authentic personality sets you apart from other LOs (4:31)
    • How consistently emailing and texting real estate agents shows your maturity to earn their business (6:36)
    • The "Feel The Glow" method that lets your teammates vibe with each other (and skyrocket your business) (10:43)

    Want to get your questions answered live? Head to MLOlive.com and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

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    20 min
  • EP 33: Working From The Road With The Family And Closing $40+ Million with Roger Mcguire
    Feb 3 2022

    If you want to be laying under a palm tree while your friends are back home shoveling snow, maybe having the freedom to live anywhere you want is for you.

    But for most people it has always been "I can't afford to do that."

    MLO Roger McGuire runs a successful loan office while living in a RV. He has the freedom to live wherever he wants while working on his phone and on Zoom calls. Roger shares how you can live and work anywhere you want.

    Listen now to discover how you can work while you're on the road too!

    Show highlights include:

    • How traveling to your home territory once a month lets you see 29 states in 7 months (3:35)
    • Why working remotely gives you the freedom to live anywhere you want (and how you can get started doing that today) (7:07)
    • How using Zoom deepens your relationships with your referral sources (even if you're not able to do it in person) (9:55)
    • Why homeschooling your kids grows your business (15:42)

    Want to get your questions answered live? Head to MLOlive.com and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    19 min
  • EP 32: Loan Officer Assistant To $35 Million Dollars A Year MLO with Tom Glass
    Jan 27 2022

    You’ve probably heard of millionaire loan officers who came from nothing and became wealthy. But most ambitious loan officers actually never make it big. 

    What’s the difference between the MLOs and those who live paycheck to paycheck?

    It usually isn't the overnight sensation. But rather it's the consistent hard work behind the scenes that you don't see.

    MLO Tom Glass started out as a loan officer assistant working for an hourly wage. He learned the ropes and dove head first into the loan officer role. Now he's a MLO hiring his own assistants.

    in this episode, he shares how you can transform from a loan officer assistant to a MLO today!

    Show highlights include:

    • How getting out of your own way as a LO and delegating tasks to LPs skyrockets your business by $10 million (3:12)
    • Why holding onto systems yourself slows down your team's growth as well as your income (and how you can make the adjustment today) (5:05)
    • How educating your clients prepares them for the loan process (even if they don't qualify for a loan today) (7:14)
    • Why making phone calls during scheduled time blocks streamlines your revenue process (7:50)

    Want to get your questions answered live? Head to MLOlive.com and discover how you could become a Millionaire Loan Officer!

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    17 min