Sep 27 2023

    Friends, hit the pause button on your hectic lives and join me, your host Hannah Garner, as we reminisce on the rollercoaster ride that was Season 2 of the Empower Thyself podcast. Remember the enlightening discussion we had with the incredible Africa Brooke on cancel culture and finding our voices? Relive moments like these, as well as insights on mindset, self-development, entrepreneurship, holistic health, wellness, spirituality and manifestation. If you haven't yet, subscribe to ensure you don't miss what's next. For interactive content, connect with me on Instagram at Hannah Kate Garner.

    Let's dig into the whirl of life updates that have kept me on my toes - from the hunt for a new apartment to starting a fresh job in central London, and planning a thrilling holiday trip to Kenya. Transitions can be chaotic; they demand prioritisation and a delicate balance between juggling responsibilities and savouring the joys of hard work. Have a peek into my world as I share how I've manoeuvred this tricky terrain.

    Now, who is up for an adventure? Embark on a virtual safari as I recount my escapade of planning a trip to Kenya. Listen as I share nuggets of wisdom from the complexities of booking train tickets, to choosing the perfect tour operator. As we wrap up this incredible season, gear up for Season 3 of the Empower Thyself podcast. If there's something specific you'd like to see covered next season, drop me a line!

    Email - empowerthyselfacademy@gmail.com or jump into my DM's on instagram here

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    Peace and Love Han x

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    53 min
    Sep 20 2023

    Could the key to self-love and personal growth lie in the concept of radical responsibility? Join us for a compelling conversation with our special guest, Trii a woman's transformation mentor who is no stranger to the spiralling descent of self-destruction, abandonment, and low self-esteem. Trii's tale of transformation is one of inspiring resilience; she demonstrates the profound effect of rewiring your subconscious mind, leading you on a path towards self-love, self-confidence, and personal power.

    Together, we dive deep into the depths of the healing process, examining the damaging cycle of self-harm that stems from an inability to forgive oneself and others. Through our discussion, we arm you with valuable tools and strategies to shift your mindset and seize control of your life. We highlight the necessity of recognising and vocalising your triggers, fostering a better understanding of self-healing.

    We delve into the profound influence of childhood programming on our adult lives and how identifying these patterns can lead to self-empowerment. Trii sheds light on the liberating experience of self-compassion and the conscious decision to take responsibility for your life. Let us guide you on a journey of self-discovery as we explore the interplay of subconscious mind, inner healing, and the path to self-love and compassion. Don't miss out on the chance to transform your life. Welcome to a world of healing, empowerment, and radical responsibility.

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    Peace and Love Han x

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    1 ora e 2 min
    Sep 13 2023

    Have you ever sat quietly, feeling an inner nudge push you towards a decision that seems illogical to the world, but somehow feels right to you? That's your intuition at work, and in this episode, we're joined by the remarkable Yasmin Ibrahim, an intuitive guide for life and business, who teaches us to listen to this inner voice, to trust it and to let it guide us towards our truth. Yasmin shares her transformative journey from a traumatic past to a life of prosperity, shedding light on the evolution of her intuition and the power it holds.

    We explore the fascinating realms of intuition, manifesting desires, and personal transformation. Yasmin shares gems of wisdom about using our feelings as a compass, navigating through the upsetting memories stuck within us, and manifesting our deepest desires by focusing on the feelings we yearn for, rather than material possessions. We also delve into the often challenging journey of transformation; how our relationships evolve as we do, and the importance of clear and specific intentions.

    The conversation takes an even deeper turn as we discuss the concept of intuitive downloads. We learn to recognise these moments of profound insight, and how to discern which ones to act upon. Yasmin reveals how our ancestral lineage influences our understanding and encourages us to embrace, and even find comfort in differing truths. Together, we explore the art of stepping into our inner power, overcoming fear, and leveraging the world's pressure to bring out our best. Join us in this insightful episode and discover how to embrace your truth and transform your life.

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    Peace and Love Han x

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    1 ora e 10 min
    Sep 6 2023

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by the excessive information floating around, especially during these uncertain times? Do you find it difficult to make decisions amid the chaos? Let us navigate this together as we explore the power of discernment in making informed choices that align with your values and beliefs. This episode of Empower Thyself podcast illuminates how discernment can help us filter through the noise and fear associated with embracing new technology or changes.

    We've all been there, questioning, researching, and trying to make the best decisions for ourselves in day to day life. We're examining how discernment can guide us in such situations. However, it's not all about going against the flow; we also take a look at the pitfalls of rebelling just for the sake of it.

    Finally, we're talking intuition - that gut feeling that sometimes guides us more accurately than any data or advice. We're exploring how discernment and intuition work hand in hand, helping us understand ourselves better and make choices that 'feel' right. We also contemplate the power of self-reflection and asking ourselves fundamental questions about what brings us joy and what drains us. So, join us in this insightful session as we learn to harness the power of discernment to live from an empowered place, even in a world filled with fear and uncertainty.

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    Peace and Love Han x

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    43 min
    Aug 30 2023

    Fear, that uninvited guest that often shows up unannounced, has the power to rob us of our dreams. But, what if we told you it could also be the catalyst towards achieving them?

    Do you ever find yourself lying awake at night, paralysed by what-ifs, or avoiding taking risks because it's safer to stay within the bounds of the familiar? We've been there too, and we're here to tell you that fear doesn't have to be your enemy. Join us as we tackle the often misunderstood concept of fear, its evolutionary roots, and how it can inhibit us from pursuing our dreams. We share our personal stories of triumph and tell you how you can do it too.

    We also delve into the significance of a growth mindset, the power of positive affirmations, and what we can learn from our setbacks. We discuss the benefits of leveraging technology, like the ThinkUp app, to reinforce positivity. We wrap up by shedding light on the importance of trusting ourselves, even when the path ahead seems uncertain. It's not about eliminating fear entirely, but learning to dance with it, to use it as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block.

    This week there is a rerelease of one of the first podcast episodes we shared and to date still one of the most popular - but the message we believe is so powerful, especially in this current period in time and it supplements the discernment episode shared recently so it felt right to rerelease this one!

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    Peace and Love Han x

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    44 min
    Aug 23 2023

    What if your firmly-held beliefs were challenged and reshaped in a way that changed your life? In our latest podcast episode, we have an illuminating talk with Danae Casteel, a spiritual life coach who specialises in deconstructing such deeply entrenched beliefs. Raised in a fundamentalist evangelical Christian denomination, Danae shares her transformative journey of questioning her beliefs, reshaping her values, and rebuilding her community and spirituality.

    We delve into the profound effect our environment has on shaping our beliefs and values and how openness to fresh perspectives can lead to a paradigm shift. Danae's experience serves as a testament to the power of narratives, and how hearing others' stories can lead to a reinterpretation of personal beliefs. We also discuss the struggle of transitioning from deconstruction to reconstruction of beliefs and values, the importance of community, and the wisdom in acknowledging that we don't always have all the answers.

    Wrapping up, we touch upon the concept of fluid spirituality and personal growth after such a transformative journey. Danae introduces her Deconstruction Starter Kit, a valuable resource for anyone embarking on a journey similar to hers. Join us for this conversation as we explore life's uncertainties and discover new avenues to spiritual health and wholeness. Tune in now to learn, unlearn, and relearn. It's a potent reminder that the journey to self-discovery is as important as the destination itself.


    HANNAH: https://www.instagram.com/hannahkategarner/

    website: http://dconstructioncoaching.com
    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/d.constructionist/

    Ref in episode:
    How I Changed My Mind: http://dconstructioncoaching.com/blog/how-i-changed-my-mind
    How I Changed My Mind About Sexual Orientation: http://dconstructioncoaching.com/blog/how-i-changed-my-mind-about-sexual-orientation

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    Peace and Love Han x

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    1 ora e 14 min
    Aug 16 2023

    Ever felt like you're living in a state of disconnection, detached from your own body, intuition, and inner energies? Well, you're not alone. We were joined by the amazing Michaela Hornakova, an energy healer and mentor, who shared her transformative journey towards balancing her goddess and warrior energies. Her insights led us to explore the depths of disconnection many of us unknowingly experience.

    Michaela helped us unpack how each person stores energy differently. She guided us through recognising and tapping into our unique energy, as well as the goddess and warrior energies within us. These energies, as we discovered, can be a powerful tool for making decisions, navigating life, and manifesting abundance. We also discussed the importance of challenging societal expectations and making bold decisions that resonate with us.

    As we delved deeper into the conversation, we discussed how to step outside our comfort zone and embrace discomfort for personal growth. We explored ways to overcome insecurities and step into confidence and sexiness. By the end of the episode, we had a greater understanding of how to tap into our spiritual power, reclaim joy, and release expectations. So, join us, as we embark on this conversation with Michaela Hornakova. It's time to reconnect and live our best lives.


    Hannah IG https://www.instagram.com/hannahkategarner/

    Michaela IG https://www.instagram.com/michaela._hornakova/

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    Peace and Love Han x

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    57 min
    Aug 9 2023

    Join me as I explore female hormones health with intuitive nutrition coach, Renata as she takes us through her journey into nutrition, ignited by her eldest child Olivia's gastrointestinal issues as an infant. This experience sparked her interest in hormonal health and nutrition, which is our main discussion today.

    Hormonal health plays a significant role in our lives as woman, in fact a crucial one. In this conversation, we unpack what symptoms like bloating, weight gain, and breast tenderness can be a sign of, we delve into the importance of keeping your gut health in check, considering it's the key to managing Estrogen levels. As we navigate the complexities of women's health, we also venture into the realm of energy and chakras, giving special attention to solar plexus and sacral chakras linked to gut health and menstrual cycles. Discover how societal norms and cultural standards can influence these areas, and be playing a role in our hormonal health, adding another layer to understanding women's health.

    The journey to holistic health can be full of twists and turns. In this episode, we share somatic practices and holistic approaches that can help release energy and tension from the solar plexus and sacral chakras. We discuss practices like breathwork, meditation, Kundalini yoga, and self-massage, highlighting their potential to cultivate self-love and aid healing. Our bodies can hold onto old conditioning and trauma, and it's through practices like these we can release them and move towards better health. Join me and Renata as we emphasize the importance of a holistic approach to health, sharing tips to help you get in tune with your body and energy.


    Referenced previous episode on hormonal health: https://empowerthyselfwithhannahgarner.buzzsprout.com/1789887/10026034


    Website: http://www.nourishwithrenata.com
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nourish_with_renata
    Free FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/getnourishedwithrenata
    Book a FREE 20 minute nutrition consultation: https://www.nourishwithrenata.com/book-a-call
    Listeners can request the Masterclass by sending me an email renata@nourishwithrenata.com.

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    Peace and Love Han x

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    1 ora e 1 min