• 12 | Stop Being Boring as Batsh!t: Creating Connection with Mike Schwartz
    Jun 14 2024

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    Ever wondered how the simple joys of life can fuel your resilience and creativity? Join me today as we dive into a great impromptu conversation about connection with our Canadian friend, and the man behind the scenes of this podcast, Mike Schwartz. We share personal experiences of connecting with others in a candid conversation I'm certain you'll all enjoy, if not for the Canadian accent you've all grown to love alone!


    • We examine the rewards of face-to-face interactions and the nurturing roles that form the backbone of connection and simplicity in our daily activities.
    • We talk about the silent yet powerful moments of connection with nature and friends.
    • We discuss how the tranquillity of sunsets, sunrises, and daily walks can rejuvenate your soul and spark creativity.
    • And we reflect on "moments" that create connection, highlighting some of our shared experiences and how simple things like lying in the sun looking up at the clouds in a Melbourne park highlight the essence of true companionship and how these quiet moments can inspire profound personal growth and creative breakthroughs.

    Learn more about Mike and grab his free e-book "The ABCs of Creating Connection: A Guide To Building Meaningful Relationships" here!

    Follow Leanne on Instagram @lkstrengthcoach

    Join the Strength Seekers community and score big with a vibrant tribe of like-minded individuals, invaluable resources, coaching services tailored to your needs, special guest coaches and workshops and so much more. Click here to join today with our special listener's offer!

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    1 ora e 6 min
  • 11 | ABCs of Connection: An Opportunity to Connect with Yourself!
    Jun 7 2024

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    What if the key to building meaningful relationships with others started with transforming your connection with yourself? In our latest episode, we uncover the profound journey of self-connection and how it serves as the cornerstone of all other relationships. Reflecting on personal experiences, especially after my children grew older, I share how rekindling my passions, like weightlifting, ushered in a stronger sense of self. Discover the importance of slowing down, understanding what truly brings joy, and prioritizing intentional self-care to become the best version of yourself.
    Today, you'll learn how to...

    • Structure your daily routines for optimal mental and physical performance
    • Incorporate my "smart" training practices
    • Practice the importance of reflection, gratitude, and laughter, with anecdotes featuring my playful dogs Boy and Mickey

    As you head into the weekend, be sure to schedule a special moment for yourself, to reinforce that nurturing your well-being is essential for fostering positive relationships with others.

    Tune in and get ready to UpLIFT your life!

    Follow Leanne on Instagram @lkstrengthcoach

    Join the Strength Seekers community and score big with a vibrant tribe of like-minded individuals, invaluable resources, coaching services tailored to your needs, special guest coaches and workshops and so much more. Click here to join today with our special listener's offer!

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    20 min
  • 10 | Going to Nationals with Ruby Carwardine
    May 31 2024

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    Ruby's journey through weightlifting is nothing short of inspiring. From the electrifying moments of lifting at the state titles to the nerve-wracking preparation for the national stage, Ruby shares her story with authenticity and grit. Despite facing unexpected challenges with her snatches, she achieved a personal best in her clean and jerks, demonstrating unwavering determination. We lighten the mood with a hilarious story involving Ruby’s car and her loyal dog, Bo, who is always cheering her on. And scratching the door...

    Today's show is packed with helpful insights from the athlete's mind:

    • Learn what power all your senses have on performance
    • Learn how the stories you make in your head affect your performance
    • Learn about Ruby's biggest hurdles on route to her biggest opportunity yet

    Ruby also delves into the emotional and mental aspects of competing, discussing how family support fuels her drive and the crucial lesson of separating self-worth from performance. At just 22, her maturity shines as she reflects on overcoming setbacks and building mental resilience. As Ruby gears up to represent Queensland at the junior nationals, she offers insights into maintaining a focused mindset, the thrill of competing on home ground, and the power of self-belief. Join us for an episode packed with heartfelt reflections, motivational insights, and a few laughs along the way.
    Check out Ruby on Instagram at @ruby_carwardine

    Follow Leanne on Instagram @lkstrengthcoach

    Join the Strength Seekers community and score big with a vibrant tribe of like-minded individuals, invaluable resources, coaching services tailored to your needs, special guest coaches and workshops and so much more. Click here to join today with our special listener's offer!

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    26 min
  • 09 | Flip The Script!: Leanne Gets Interviewed By A Lifelong Friend
    May 24 2024

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    From debating championships to gymnastics mats, my lifelong friend Carrie Cox joins me, Leanne Knox, for a heartwarming journey down memory lane, revisiting the pivotal moments that have shaped our lives and the enduring lessons on resilience, growth, and the human spirit. As we swap stories and roles, Carrie, a master storyteller, takes the lead, guiding us through a labyrinth of emotions and memories that reveal the profound effect of our formative experiences on our present selves. Our laughter-filled exchange stands as a testament to the myriad ways friendship and shared history can influence not only who we become but also how we connect with and uplift others.

    Athletic endeavors and gymnastics mishaps transition seamlessly into the life lessons learned from coaching, teamwork, and the transformative nature of mindset in sports. Reflecting on my shift from the solitary world of gymnastics to the collaborative spirit of touch football, I uncover the joy and strength found in community. Motherhood enters the narrative as I recount the resilience required to navigate caring for four children under five and the vital role of connection found through humorous mishaps and the shared experiences that bind us.

    As the episode wanes, Carrie and I pivot towards future aspirations, finding joy in familiar places, and the continued battle against imposter syndrome. We emphasize the importance of mental and physical vigor, inspiring you to perhaps rekindle connections or embark on new adventures. Concluding with an invitation to a good-natured handstand competition, this episode isn't just a recount of past glories; it's a call to live life with joy, seek strength in all its forms, and embrace the transformative power of storytelling and connection. So, limber up, listen in, and maybe challenge a friend to your own competition of sorts.

    Follow Leanne on Instagram @lkstrengthcoach

    Join the Strength Seekers community and score big with a vibrant tribe of like-minded individuals, invaluable resources, coaching services tailored to your needs, special guest coaches and workshops and so much more. Click here to join today with our special listener's offer!

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    1 ora e 42 min
  • 08 | Unleashing Timeless Strength: Embodying Fitness & Finesse at Any Age with G-Unit
    May 17 2024

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    Join us for a powerhouse conversation with my mother, affectionately known worldwide by many names G-Unit, Terri a septuagenarian who grippingly defies age stereotypes by embracing the world of powerlifting. Her story is one of metamorphosis—from battling weight gain and osteopenia to breaking an unofficial world record in deadlifting after a complete shoulder replacement at 75. Today, she talks about how she turned fitness into her fountain of youth, with community support and the thrill of empowering others being the cornerstones of her extraordinary journey. This isn't just a tale of personal triumph; it's a powerful testimony to the fact that wellness knows no age boundaries.

    Today you'll learn all about:

    • How age really is just a number
    • How to make health and wellness a pillar in your life
    • The importance of play for skill development and physical activity
    • Catch a glimpse into granny's plans for the future

    Follow Leanne on Instagram @lkstrengthcoach

    Join the Strength Seekers community and score big with a vibrant tribe of like-minded individuals, invaluable resources, coaching services tailored to your needs, special guest coaches and workshops and so much more. Click here to join today with our special listener's offer!

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    43 min
  • 07 | Navigating the Path to Self-Discovery with Steve Knox
    May 10 2024

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    Here we go, legends. We hear from the other half (we're uncertain if he's better or not...) Steve Knox, the man, the myth, the legend. Half man-half amazing, in a candid episode of Uplift You. Sharing stories from Waimati to Brisbane, Steve's path from a mechanic with a dream of travel to becoming the cornerstone of his family in Australia is both relatable and inspiring.

    We laugh, reminisce, and uncover the deep, dark secrets of our lives, revealing how a strong sense of community ties and the spirit of resilience have shaped Knox's journey together.

    Today's Takeaways:

    • Why facing past insecurities and learning to forgive is critical to personal growth
    • The impact of our mindset on our relationships
    • How Steve's natural 'fixer' instinct both helped and hindered the early days of his relationship with Leanne

    Rounding out our heart-to-heart, we share the profound effects that sobriety has brought into our lives. Steve offers pearls of wisdom on the ripple effect of change and the pivotal role of mindset coaching.

    Tune in for an authentic mix of heartfelt revelations and nuggets of wisdom that will leave you feeling *a little bit* more uplifted.

    Follow Leanne on Instagram @lkstrengthcoach

    Join the Strength Seekers community and score big with a vibrant tribe of like-minded individuals, invaluable resources, coaching services tailored to your needs, special guest coaches and workshops and so much more. Click here to join today with our special listener's offer!

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    59 min
  • 06 | Three Tips To Better Parenting and Coaching
    May 3 2024

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    To round out our training special populations series we finish strong with how to best navigate the turbulent seas of parenting and coaching. Leanne walks us through the highs and lows of raising children and teenagers and the parallels of parenting and coaching young people.

    From the TV battlegrounds in our family room to heartfelt chats about the future, we uncover the art of treating young people like equals and the magic it conjures in their critical thinking and engagement.

    Top Takeaways from today's show:

    • The importance of spontaneity and play
    • Why "laying down the law" is the fastest way to ruin your children's hopes and dreams completely
    • How questions lead to growth and understanding

    Whether you're knee-deep in parenting teens or you're someone who yearns for a deeper connection with the young folks in your life, our candid conversation serves up a hearty blend of advice, laughter, and inspiration to energise your family dynamics.

    Follow Leanne on Instagram @lkstrengthcoach

    Join the Strength Seekers community and score big with a vibrant tribe of like-minded individuals, invaluable resources, coaching services tailored to your needs, special guest coaches and workshops and so much more. Click here to join today with our special listener's offer!

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    32 min
  • 05 | Breaking Age Barriers: The Power of Strength Training Across Generations
    Apr 26 2024

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    Ever wondered if age really is just a number when it comes to physical fitness? Tag along with me, Leanne Knox, as I shatter the stereotypes of aging and strength with stories from the frontline of coaching master athletes. Imagine standing shoulder-to-shoulder with 73-year-old Olympic weightlifter Stefan Jacobsen, whose grit and muscle defy the calendar. Together, we'll unpack the treasure trove of benefits that strength training offers, from fortifying bones to rejuvenating the heart. It's not just about lifting weights; it's about lifting spirits and proving that the golden years can indeed be strong and vibrant.

    Now, let me introduce you to the lively squad I fondly call "Dad's Army" - a band of powerlifters whose ages range as widely as their personalities. From Rocket Rod's explosive energy to Terry the "pterodactyl's" ancient wisdom, these folks bring a dose of humor and heart to every early morning training session. But it's not all chuckles and kettlebells; we get real about the challenges of training as a master athlete, acknowledging the need to adapt and overcome obstacles like injuries and the natural ebb of time. Expect laughter, a few life lessons, and maybe even the secret behind that infamous deadlift session recording where we tackled a rather... delicate situation.

    Finally, we zone in on the powerhouse of the body: the posterior chain. I'll walk you through the importance of these often-overlooked muscles, not just for elite athletes but for everyone aiming to counteract the slouch of the digital age. From my mother's triumphant recovery after shoulder surgery to an open discussion about women's health and strength training (yes, we're talking about that too), this episode is a clarion call for the empowerment that comes from growing stronger. So, lace up your gym shoes and turn up the volume – this is an episode that celebrates the strength within us all, no matter the number of candles on the cake.

    Follow Leanne on Instagram @lkstrengthcoach

    Join the Strength Seekers community and score big with a vibrant tribe of like-minded individuals, invaluable resources, coaching services tailored to your needs, special guest coaches and workshops and so much more. Click here to join today with our special listener's offer!

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    36 min