
  • When things feel hard, scary, and sort of impossible [coaching episode w/ workbook!]
    Jul 1 2021

    This episode is your guide/coaching episode that will help you tap into the self-belief that you need to push through those new, hard things!

    Folks, I’m talking about those moments when things just feel…. impossible. When a life or career transition seems impossible. When getting good at that new job feels impossible. When tackling your fitness goal or starting your business seems… really darn impossible!

    Here’s the thing though: you CAN DO IT. Why? Because you’ve done hard, scary, new things before.

    I’m here to help you tap back into that belief and be your strongest, most resourceful self… so let’s get started!

    PS: I've created a worksheet to help you make the most of this coaching session. Download it to fill out after the episode if you want to push forward, tap into your self-belief and thrive.

    Grab your worksheet here: 

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    20 min
  • Let's do better (with intention!)
    Jun 17 2021
    Let’s talk values- want to hear some of mine?

    I value love. I value compassion. I value connection.

    I value equity. I value diversity. I value inclusion.

    I value integrity.

    I value intention.

    I value accountability.

    I value commitment.

    I value human beings in all their forms… and yet, so many people are hurting right now.

    Today, I am heartbroken, and I want to speak to you all about why.

    Join me for the most important podcast I’ve created to date.

    Want to get to know me better? Follow me on instagram for more content to help you Hold Yourself in High Esteem!

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    21 min
  • Birthday Reflections!: Following your curiousity, & advice to my younger self
    May 11 2021

    Welcome to my Birthday episode!

    I turned 32 on April 29, and on this slow and mellow pandemic birthday, I did a bit of reflecting about the lesson's I've learned on this journey called life. 

    And so, this episode was born, an ode to 20-something-Sarah from the wisdom of age 32. I have a lot to say to my past self, and perhaps you need to hear it too. 

    Join in for my Birthday reflections alongside career and life advice for those struggling to navigate the rough waters of early adulting.

    We talk about searching for answers vs following your curiosity, un-necessary pressure to have the answers,  and the possibility that not knowing is actually exactly where you should be. 

    ...Hear me out!


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    21 min
  • Stop glorifying burnout!
    Apr 27 2021

    "I haven't taken a sick day in 5 years," says Joe, every time someone else takes a day off. 

    "Judy is such a hard worker- she hasn't taken a day off in the 10 years I've worked here."

    We all know the Joe's and Judy's of the world. Heck, maybe some of us fall into these very same patterns. 

    And if we don't, maybe we're right there applauding them for their "work ethic", their "perseverance", their "dedication to the job". Guilty? Me too.

    What's more, when we end up taking our necessary sick day, we feel guilty, call ourselves lazy, and often see ourselves as less than the Judy's and Joe's out there.

    But these patterns, and the way we applaud them, contribute to a world that promotes toxic levels of 'busy' at the expense of our health/mental wellness. 

    We don't see what goes on behind the scene's in the lives of Joe or Judy, and we don't talk about the negative impact this has on our own. 

    Friends, it's time to start talking.

    Join us this week to discuss why busy/burnout culture is short-term, unsustainable, and detrimental to our health, wellness, the quality of our lives, and the quality of our work.


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    22 min
  • Let's Talk About Standing Out
    Apr 3 2021

    Are you hiding your true self behind a facade? Scared to let yourself be seen for who you are, to showcase your gifts, or to speak. up for what you care about?

    Standing out can be scary- especially when we're standing out for who we really are: for what means the most to us, what we're most passionate about...for what we really care about. It's an incredibly vulnerable place, because when we attract that attention, we open ourselves to a more personal type of rejection. 

    ...Sometimes, it feels so much easier to just blend in, doesn't it?

    Just like anything, what's easiest isn't what is most worthwhile. The cost of blending in, of not letting yourself stand out, is so much true connection, opportunity, and alignment, waiting for you at the other side.

    Join us for Episode 8 of The High Esteem Podcast for more on WHY you should stand out, and what there is to gain when you do. 


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    24 min
  • Stop trying to be good at what you suck at! (& my ADHD story)
    Mar 18 2021

    Do you spend a hell of a lot of time trying to be good at the things you suck at?

    Trust me, I’ve been there. I lived in that space for most of my life- trying to be the person who could organize papers, the person who was detail oriented, the person who knew where everything is. 

    I tried to fake it, and I felt inadequate and ashamed every day. Frankly, it didn’t get me very far: it just spiralled me further and further into shame, and left me drifting further and further from where I was meant to be.

    But here’s the thing: why did it HAVE to be that way? Why did I HAVE TO FIT that box? 

    Why couldn't I be somewhere where my own skills and gifts- my creativity, my ideas, my intuition, my coaching skills, my ability to counsel, my approachability, my patience, my compassion, my ability to 'read the room', my ability to make people feel safe, my passion for advocacy, my writing skills-- were valued?

    And guess what? When I started to actually lean into what my strengths are, when I dropped the struggle and stopped trying to be who I wasn’t… to get good at what I was bad at… my life took off. My career took off. And finally, I felt happier, healthier, and more fulfilled than I ever have. 

    And I want to help you get there too. Listen to this episode to learn how I did it, and how you can get there too!


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    25 min
  • Are you stuck in indecision?
    Feb 24 2021

    Have you ever been stuck on the brink of making a decision?

    Perhaps you don’t know where to start. Perhaps you’re scared of what will happen if you do.

    Perhaps you’re scared of judgement: from your family, from your friends, from your colleagues.

    Perhaps you’re scared of failure, of the unknown, or of what happens if you make the wrong choice?

    Here’s the thing, friends: when we sit in indecision, we’re choosing inaction. And when we choose inaction, the problem— the anxiety behind the indecision, the lack of information that keeps us stuck, only continues to grow.

    Join me for this fear busting conversation on indecision, and how you can start choosing action to collect more information, push past this stagnation, and start moving forward.

    Let's do this thing!


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    22 min
  • We Need Future Talk (yes, even in a pandemic!)
    Feb 10 2021

    Has the complacency that has kept you going through the pandemic become a bad habit? 

    Has the acceptance that got you through the early days started to make you feel a little numb? Bored? Maybe just... blah??

    Well, you're definitely not alone. We've settled into this pandemic bubble, one where we don't think forward beyond that shirt we keep at our desk for that impromptu zoom call. 

    Our need to be present, to take it one day at a time, was necessary-- hell, it was survival! It kept going during some of the hardest days of our lives, and now we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

    But who has even imagined that- the life after covid? Who do we want to be, and where do we want to go, when this thing comes to an end?

    Folks, it’s time to start planning forward again. It can be safe to talk about, to think about, the future now. I believe that it’s actually critical that we do- for our inspiration, for our motivation, for our humanity!

    Join me for this chat on how we need to start thinking forward, and how we can do this in tiny baby steps 👌💪


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    20 min