
  • Tools for Peak Performance and Mental Fitness for Tech Leaders
    May 30 2024

    Looking for the secret sauce to success as a founder or CEO?

    It’s not as complex as you might think.

    It all boils down to one thing: being open to change and embracing vulnerability.

    In this episode, host Kevin Bailey is joined by Alex Easby and guests Dr. Alicia McKoy, Rachel Downey, Max Yoder, and Nick Tippmann as they dive deep into the world of mental performance for tech leaders.

    The episode opens with a discussion on the cultural saturation of mental performance in business and the importance of acknowledging and developing skills to move past perfectionism.

    The panelists share personal struggles with burnout, procrastination, and low productivity while emphasizing the significance of self-awareness, mindfulness, and resilience in navigating leadership challenges. From the impact of money fears on mental health to the power of visualization and emotion in driving sustained performance, the conversation delves into practical strategies and tools for maintaining mental well-being in high-pressure environments.

    You won’t want to miss it.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Mental Fitness and Self-Awareness: The importance of mental fitness practices, self-awareness, and mindfulness in enhancing mental performance for tech leaders and the entire organization.

    2. Emotional Intelligence and Burnout Prevention: Understanding emotions, addressing burnout, and implementing strategies to prevent and manage burnout through self-care, boundary setting, and seeking support.

    3. Holistic Well-Being: The emphasis on holistic well-being, including the significance of sleep, managing low productivity states, and creating sustainable work-life balance for leaders to thrive personally and professionally.


    [00:00] An introduction to the panelists

    [10:14] Emotional challenges and somatic expressions

    [20:39] The attachment to money and educating CEOs on this topic

    [30:21] The importance of natural productivity rhythms and mental energy states

    [34:31] Overcoming procrastination and mental fitness learning

    [40:21] Great leaders are self-aware and human first

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    51 min
  • Visualizing Your Way Through a Growing Company & Family with Rachel Downey
    May 16 2024

    Ever wondered how powerful your imagination can be in changing your reality?

    Can visualization truly shape your destiny?

    In this episode of The Dreamfuel Show, guest Rachel Downey, Founder of Share Your Genius, and host Kevin Bailey dive into the profound impact of visualization on personal and professional growth.

    They discuss not only visualization tactics but also the philosophy of embracing each journey's uncertainties with excitement and trust.

    Because ultimately, the biggest barriers to your success are all in your mind.

    So, tune in to discover how to harness the power of your mind to shape your reality. Learn how leaning into your natural strengths might be the key to unlocking unimaginable opportunities.

    Feel understood, find inspiration, and maybe—just maybe—you'll see your path a little clearer.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Embrace visualization as a practical tool to shape your desired outcomes and attach emotion to future desires. This technique not only helps in setting goals but also in training the brain to believe these goals are achievable.
    • Lean into excitement and use it as a catalyst for positive change rather than being overwhelmed by anxiety. Understanding how to shift your emotional response from stress to motivation can profoundly impact your personal and professional life.
    • Trust in your intuition and focus on making decisions based on what feels right rather than solely on logical reasoning. This can lead to more authentic and fulfilling life choices, empowering you to pursue paths that resonate deeply with your values and dreams.


    [00:00] Exploring Rachel's journey to entrepreneurship and success

    [05:09] Rachel’s story to founding Share Your Genius

    [15:19] How mentors provide permission to trust instincts and follow heart over head

    [19:02] How Rachel reorganized the company, faced challenges, and considered the acquisition

    [23:44] The importance of letting go of fear and embracing dreams

    [31:41] Embrace excitement over anxiety for personal growth

    [39:00] Prioritizing peace over fear and desire, listening to intuition in decision-making

    [44:42] Using visualization as a powerful tool for motivation and resilience

    [47:50] Balancing work and family while enjoying the journey

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    52 min
  • Remembering How to Hear Your Intuition with Lexi Mohr, PhD
    May 2 2024

    "We're all living the life we're meant to live. And all we have to do is tap into our own power, and then we'll start to see the symptoms that we no longer want to see or experience start to dissipate." - Lexi Mohr

    Lexi Mohr is the Founder and CEO of LM Wellness, LLC, and today, she joined The Dreamfuel Show, where we tapped into the reality and truth behind the mind-body connection.

    We discussed how physical sensations often reflect deeper emotional truths and explored innovative tools like visualization and meditation to harness this link. Lexi shared her insights on tailoring therapeutic techniques to individual needs, enhancing personal well-being, and unlocking potential.

    You won’t want to miss it.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The Power of Visualization and Belief Systems: Tools such as visualization, affirmations, and meditation can influence and reshape one’s belief systems. By harnessing these tools, individuals can potentially change their physical and emotional responses, demonstrating the profound impact of mental practices on physical health and overall well-being.
    • Individualized Techniques and Intuition: Tailoring healing and therapeutic techniques to suit individual preferences is key. Lexi emphasized working with intuition to navigate and interpret bodily symptoms, signifying the need to develop a deep connection with one’s body and its signals.
    • Mind-Body Connection: Emotions and belief systems can manifest physically in the body, suggesting that symptoms like pain or tension could indicate underlying psychological issues. This ties in with the emphasis on the role of practices like yoga and mindfulness in understanding and healing this mind-body link.


    • Click here to apply to Dreamfuel's Octane Mental Performance Program for Tech Leaders


    [04:35] How our past experiences shape us

    [08:02] Reiki healing brings peace, love, and energy

    [13:41] How the body and mind are interconnected, influencing each other

    [26:22] Overcoming limiting beliefs through yoga and self-awareness

    [32:56] A deep breathing exercise for relaxation and mindfulness

    [37:49] Where to connect with Lexi

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    39 min
  • Mindset Lessons for Zero to $30 Million ARR with Lessonly’s Co-Founders
    Apr 18 2024

    What drives success? It’s an answer we’re all searching for.

    And the answer is simpler than you think: Be willing to face change and embrace vulnerability.

    In this first episode of The Dreamfuel Show, host Kevin Bailey interviews Max Yoder, co-founder and former CEO of Lessonly, and Conner Burt, co-founder and Former President of Lessonly.

    They discuss all things–from the relentless pressures of start-up culture, the quest for internal fulfillment over external success, and the lesson that sometimes, the greatest strength lies in admitting what we don't know.

    You won’t want to miss it.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Entrepreneurial Authenticity––Max emphasizes honesty in business, revealing that his openness about not having all the answers resonated with his team and fostered a culture of trust and connection.
    • Value-Driven Leadership––Conner and Max reflect on leading with service and presence, illustrating how vulnerability and a strong emphasis on team alignment with values can powerfully bond and motivate a company through even the most challenging times.
    • The Human Side of Business––Max and Conner discuss the delicate balancing act of vulnerability and recognition. They advocate for praising specific behaviors and rewarding curiosity, which can drive sustainable motivation and well-being among teams.


    • Click here to apply to Dreamfuel's Octane Mental Performance Program for Tech Leaders


    [00:00] An introduction to episode 1

    [05:45] A background on Max and Conner

    [10:43] How the partnership came to be

    [22:00] Emotional journey leads to unexpected startup success

    [30:09] How a fear of letting others down motivates actions

    [55:11] How to overcome people-pleasing to lead an organization effectively

    [01:09:07] Finding fulfillment in the transition from achievement to service

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    1 ora e 22 min
  • This Season on Dreamfuel
    Apr 8 2024

    The Dreamfuel show is a research expedition to uncover and unpack the mindsets of impactful tech founders and executives. On this show, we’re going to get real and talk about what was actually going on in their hearts and minds during the harrowing journeys that forged them and their companies! We’ll also speak with performance experts who will share the latest tips, tools, and tricks that can help us realize our own dreams, too.

    As we like to say at Dreamfuel, every quarter is a hero’s journey. So be sure to hit follow to join us along the way.

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    1 min