• Unfiltered Tales of Motherhood, Education and Standing Up for Our Kids
    May 15 2024

    As a mom, I've laughed in the face of chaos and cried into a pillow of homework woes, all the while wondering if there's a secret society of moms with hidden answers. Together, in this heartfelt and sometimes hilarious conversation, we peel back the layers of motherhood and education, from the sniffles that become mom flu to the complexities of handling bullies and fostering emotional maturity in our children. The episode is a tapestry of stories that will have you nodding in agreement, raising your eyebrows in concern, and, most importantly, finding solace in the shared experiences of the Millennial Moms Unfiltered community.

    We've all been there: the dreaded Mother's Day that doesn't quite go as planned, or that moment when we realize our kids' school is not the utopian learning center we'd hoped for. We tackle these moments head-on, discussing everything from the amusing disconnect between Mother's Day expectations and reality to the controversial approaches schools take towards bullying. This episode invites you to reflect on your own boundaries, the lessons you're imparting to your children about kindness, and how, sometimes, being a "mama bear" is the only response to a system that doesn't always protect our cubs.

    Wrapping up, we don't shy away from the nitty-gritty of homework struggles and the decision to homeschool, balancing the narratives with positive strides made in accommodating special needs within the school system. This episode serves as a comforting pat on the back, a shared sigh of relief, and a rallying cry for all parents navigating the twists and turns of raising children in today's world. So, plug in, pour yourself that much-needed cup of coffee, and join us as we celebrate the messy, beautiful journey of parenting—mishaps, milestones, and all.

    If you love our podcast don't forget to leave us a review and spread the word, share our episodes to your socials and tag us so we can thank you!

    MMU Shop is now open! https://millennialmomsunfiltered.myshopify.com/


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    44 min
  • Beyond Baby Talk Cultivating Adult Relationships
    May 8 2024

    Ever feel like your social life has been hijacked by the demands of parenthood? You're not alone. Ashley and I spill the beans on how we've navigated the treacherous waters of maintaining friendships post-babies. From the seismic shifts in how we party (hint: it's not at the club anymore) to the art of penciling in dates with other adults around nap times and potty training, we get real about the effort it takes to keep your social calendar more exciting than your laundry schedule.

    But it's not just playdates and parent-teacher conferences over here. We dive into the quirky dynamics of our families, laughter included. Remember the time when your cousin twice removed showed up at the reunion, and you mistook her for the caterer? We've been there, too! We talk about the joy and chaos of large family gatherings and how these relationships influence our ways of connecting with others, from technologically-challenged phone cleanings to the sibling rivalries that never really go away.

    And because we live in a world where ‘unfollow’ is just a click away, we tackle the beast that is digital communication. From the curated facades of social media to the desire for genuine connections in the era of endless scrolling, Ashley and I dissect what it means to cultivate meaningful adult friendships amidst all the noise. Come for the honest chat; stay for the camaraderie—and who knows, you might just be tempted to join our 'Millennial Moms Unfiltered' meetup and find your tribe in person, chaos and all.


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    43 min
  • Mommy's Little Helper Cannabis in the Quest for Calm Parenting
    May 1 2024

    Ever wondered how a puff of cannabis might shift the dynamics of parenting? Join me and my candid comrade, Brittni, as we peel back the layers of this topic with humor and heart. Sipping on a glass of wine while the kids are in bed is one thing, but what about marijuana? We share our personal journeys with cannabis, drawing parallels to the relaxation some find in a glass of red, and discuss the potential for a more patient, anxiety-free approach to parenting. But it's not all fun and games; we address the crucial balance of moderation and the evolving legal landscape of medical and recreational use.

    Navigating through the centuries, we trace cannabis from its antiquity to the uproar of the 1970s war on drugs, revealing the striking contrast between historical reverence and modern taboo. The discussion doesn't shy away from the hard-hitting topics of racial injustice and incarceration, nor does it overlook the progress we're starting to see with decreasing stigma. We also swap stories about the disparate impacts of alcohol and cannabis, offering a slice of our lives as an illustration of the larger societal picture.

    Wrapping up, we engage in the more whimsical side of weed, from the hilarity of edibles-induced shopping sprees to the serious business of managing impulses, particularly for those of us juggling ADHD. Our episode flirts with the serious implications of privilege and race in the world of cannabis, and we invite you to chuckle over our tales while also pondering the weightier issues we present. Don’t forget to check out our merchandise, designed for those who appreciate an open dialogue on parenting, pot, and the quirks of life.


    Canabis Positive Mama: Shonitria Anthony https://www.instagram.com/bluntblowinmama/

    Them: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B08XXDRJKH/ref=atv_dp_season_select_s1

    The Program: https://www.netflix.com/title/81579761?source=35

    MMU Shop: https://millennialmomsunfiltered.myshopify.com/


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    38 min
  • Shaping Confidence Beyond the Scale and the Mirror
    Apr 24 2024

    As your guides through the often treacherous terrain of body acceptance, we, Ashley and Brittani, bring you stories from the front lines, mixing personal tales with hard-hitting facts. Imagine confronting the mirror and seeing yourself, not through the lens of societal expectations, but through the eyes of love and acceptance. Our latest episode takes you on this transformative journey, examining the roots of body image issues and the rise of eating disorders with insights from the National Eating Disorder Association. We share our own encounters with diet culture, discuss the heart-wrenching reality of dissatisfaction in women and children, and shine a light on the dark intersection of fatphobia and healthcare.

    Strap in for an honest exploration of body positivity and the myriad roads to cultivating self-love. Hear about my, Ashley's, path to embracing the diabetes-induced marks on my legs, and how that act of defiance against concealment sparked a deeper connection to self. We navigate the waters of personal choice, from fitness regimes to cosmetic procedures, and consider how these decisions impact our self-esteem. This episode isn't just about weight; it's about hair, skin, and all the other facets that shape our self-perception. It's a candid look at how vital it is to understand the 'whys' behind our confidence-boosting methods and ensuring they align with our true selves.

    In our final thoughts, we open up about the vital role of mental health in the fitness industry and challenge the typical standards of beauty. Delve into the success of "Beyond the Body," a program that prizes mental health as much as physical health, and join me as I recount how boudoir photography played a pivotal role in reshaping my body positivity. We wrap things up with practical advice for those navigating the murky waters of self-acceptance, sharing how 'shadow work' and turning away from triggering media can lead to empowerment. So, tune in, get inspired, and embark on a path to embracing the beauty of being uniquely you.


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    49 min
  • Judge me not: Mom shaming is not cute.
    Apr 17 2024

    Have you ever felt the weight of judgmental glares while juggling the chaos of motherhood? We're peeling back the layers on mom shaming, a topic that's as raw and real as parenting itself. From the guilt that creeps in with every second of screen time to the unspoken wars between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding, we're here to share the stories that often stay hidden behind closed doors. This discussion isn't just about airing the gritty details; it's about finding solace in the shared experience and the often uncelebrated victories of parenthood.

    Birth plans, feeding choices, and the 'right' way to raise our kids - society has a manual, but reality writes its own script. Every chapter of this episode uncovers the multifaceted nature of parenting decisions, the importance of 'fed is best,' and the personal metamorphosis that comes with raising children. We're not just talking about what's tough; we're also celebrating the resilience and unexpected joys that come with this journey. From my own tough call to close 'Ashley and Fitness,' to acknowledging the evolving sense of self-worth beyond career and income, this conversation is an anthem for parents finding their footing amidst societal pressures.

    We wrap up with a heartfelt discussion on the complexities of navigating parenting guilt and the transformative power of validation. Whether it's the decision to stay at home with your little ones or simply needing to hear that you're doing a great job, this episode is a reminder that you're not alone. There's no manual for the perfect parent, but this chat aims to be the next best thing: a community, a support system, and a reminder that, despite the rollercoaster of parenting, we're all in this together. So tune in, and let's break down the barriers of judgment, one story at a time.

    check out our shop to get your must have MMU summer gear: https://millennialmomsunfiltered.myshopify.com/


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    39 min
  • Ask us anything Pt. 2
    Apr 10 2024

    Ever wondered what it's like to leap into the entrepreneurial waters? Grab your life vest, because we're revealing the gritty details of starting our own businesses—a photographer's tale of turning passion into a professional LLC and a personal trainer's evolution from Instagram newbie to online coaching success.

    Through the lens of my camera and Ashley's weights, we're sharing the step-by-step journey that could help you carve your own path in the bustling market of personal ventures.

    But it's not all business talk; we're getting personal and diving into the hobbies that fuel our fires. From the meticulous art of podcast editing to the enchanting world of eclectic witchcraft, we peel back the layers of our hyper-fixations. Listen in as Ashley confess to being a chaos witch who mixes spell jars and the intimate role of beliefs in shaping our identities. We're all about embracing the quirks and interests that make us who we are—wonky audio syncing, crafting inspired by kiddos, and all.

    Then, let's unwind with some daydreaming and griping—because who doesn't love a good rant or fantasy? Imagine the perfect day off or the thrill of a lottery win; we're indulging in all the possibilities and dishing out our takes on them. But we don't stop there.

    Get ready for a ride through the pet peeves that get our goats and the fashion trends that have us cringing (or secretly admiring). And, because we can't contain our excitement, we're also giving a sneak peek at our upcoming podcast merch. It's a smorgasbord of dialogue that's sure to stir laughter, nods of agreement, and maybe the odd facepalm. Join us for a session that's as diverse and lively as our personal interests!

    The Summer Collection is live! check it out here:https://millennialmomsunfiltered.myshopify.com/

    Loving the podcast? leave us a review to help spread the word 😀


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    45 min
  • Ask us anything Pt.1
    Apr 3 2024

    Brittni's back and the vibes are better than ever! We're mixing the charm of spring with laughter and some real talk about the whirlwind that is parenthood. From unboxing our latest merchandise that's as fresh as the season to sharing the story of my serendipitous romance, this episode is a patchwork of tales and tips. We're peeling back the curtain on our morning mayhem, the art of breakfast diplomacy, and the relentless pursuit of a clean-ish home. It's not just about surviving the chaos; it's about thriving in it, and we've got some tricks up our sleeves that we're just itching to pass along.

    Ever wondered how two busy bees keep the podcast honey flowing? Brittni and I are letting you in on the secret sauce of our recording routine. We're tackling the nitty-gritty of our bi-weekly content strategy and the AI wizardry that helps us out. For the creatives out there, I'm spilling the beans on juggling my photography gigs with family life—because capturing those precious moments shouldn't mean missing out on your own. And when it comes to grocery runs and school drop-offs, we swap strategies faster than you can say "Where are my keys?"

    We're not just about the giggles and life hacks; we've got layers, folks. The final chapter of our heart-to-heart explores the darker side of putting yourself out there—namely, online negativity. Brittni and I take a dive deep into how we navigate the choppy waters of unsolicited feedback without letting it capsize our ship. You'll hear how we safeguard our privacy without building walls against our audience, and even find the humor in the absurdity of some unwarranted criticisms. Because if there's one thing we've learned, it's that laughter can be the best armor.

    last chance to get these designs! check out our merch shop:https://millennialmomsunfiltered.myshopify.com/

    check our Brit's photography page (recently re branded):https://www.facebook.com/britpilkingtonartandwellness

    Don't forget to leave us a review and follow us on our socials @millennialmomsunfiltered


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    35 min
  • Solocast with Ashley on Royal Health to Nickelodeon's Dark Secrets
    Mar 27 2024

    Battling a cold while juggling the chaos of motherhood has never been an easy feat, yet here I am, sharing it all with you, unfiltered and raw.

    You'll feel right at home, or perhaps in my home, as my little one, Eamon, joins the conversation, offering a poignant reminder that parental interruptions are just as much a part of life as they are of this podcast. We navigate the acoustic quirks of my new recording space and tackle the tough conversations, like the recent concerns over Kate Middleton's health and the media's relentless scrutiny. Hear the heartfelt discussion about the pressures public figures endure and the compassion they deserve.

    Then, there's a shift to a more somber note as we explore the dark underbelly of Nickelodeon, unraveling the disturbing allegations of abuse that have surfaced. As a fan, I grapple with the tainted nostalgia, analyzing the heavy responsibility that adults on set should bear and the devastating impact on our beloved child stars. It's a crucial moment to reflect on integrity and the well-being of individuals thrust into the limelight at a young age.

    As my unexpected guest and I shed light on these compelling topics, we also look forward to rejuvenating the show with Brittni's return, new episodes, and engaging with your thoughtful questions. Join us for a raw, honest, and sometimes uneasy journey into the corners of pop culture and personal tribulations.

    Ask us anything submissions: https://forms.gle/yMJbEaBVg3rr96L96

    MMU shop: https://millennialmomsunfiltered.myshopify.com/


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    19 min