• Discovering A New You: Surprising Lessons from the Elimination Diet Journey!
    Jun 13 2024

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    Anyone who has experienced digestive pains, cramps, skin issues, joint pains, allergy symptoms, mood changes, and bloating knows how frustrating and uncomfortable these symptoms can feel. Though there are many causes of digestive problems, food is often a culprit. The elimination diet helps us pinpoint which foods might be causing these symptoms, so we can finally feel better.

    Welcome to the High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast, where your journey toward a healthier, more vibrant life takes center stage. I'm Donna Williams, your host and guide, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

    Through my comprehensive online resources and personalized coaching, I offer effective, mindful eating programs and blood sugar management strategies that focus on long-lasting lifestyle changes, rather than short-term fixes.

    Let's connect.

    So, what is the elimination diet? Food intolerances, sensitivities, and allergies are far more common than you think. Trigger foods can cause even the mildest yet uncomfortable symptoms, such as constipation or bloating. The elimination diet involves eliminating the most common triggers for food sensitivities and intolerances for a few weeks.

    How long should the elimination diet last?
    How do you reintroduce foods?
    Unexpected Benefits of the Elimination Diet!
    Planning Meals Without Trigger Foods!
    Beyond Food: Life-Changing Insights Gained Through Trying the Elimination Diet!

    Like my balanced blood sugar control online program where we use evidence-based research and making the information easily understandable for anyone who isn’t scientist, we’ll help you to understand why you’ll benefit from changing the way you eat and how to do it successfully and safely.

    Thanks for tuning into the High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle podcast. If you enjoyed today’s episode, "Discovering a New You: Surprising Lessons from the Elimination Diet Journey" I'd love to hear your thoughts! Click the fan mail ico

    Support the Show.

    Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

    Her digital home, info-on-high-blood-pressure.com, and through podcasting, serve a vibrant community, especially women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure.

    She provide tailor-made strategies from her personalized coaching and online courses, highlighting not just what you should eat but how you should think about food and lifestyle management to revitalize every aspect of your health. Exploring the power of mindful eating—a transformative approach that will forever change your relationship with food and show you how to command your blood sugar with confidence and ease.

    Together, you'll embark on a transformative journey, reshaping your lives from reactive health measures to proactive health empowerment. It's more than modifying a diet or changing a routine; it's about making wellness your daily mantra and experiencing a full transformation.

    So, let’s turn the tide on high blood pressure together, making wellness not just an occasional thought but a vibrant, unavoidable way of life! Join Donna Williams, to unlock the secrets to sustainable health, one powerful step at a time.

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    16 min
  • Erase Stress Instantly! Discover the Power of Physical Activity to Revitalize Your Life!
    Jun 4 2024

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    Step into a world where stress melts away, the power of physical activity is your key! From brisk walks to vigorous workouts, each movement revitalizes your mind and body. Harness this dynamic force to improve your mood, enhance your sleep, and increase your overall life satisfaction. Discover how simple daily activities can lead to profound changes, boosting both your physical stamina and mental clarity.

    The power of physical activity can be profound, influencing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Regular exercise boosts strength and endurance, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances overall energy levels. Beyond these physical benefits, engaging in physical activity plays a crucial role in managing stress, combating depression, and fostering a more positive mood.

    By integrating regular movement into our days, we unlock an incredible resource that not only shapes our bodies but also molds our mood, mental clarity, and quality of life. Whether it’s a morning jog, a yoga session, or a spirited dance class, embracing the power of physical activity can lead to transformative results.

    Stress has become an unwelcome companion for many of us. Whether due to work, family, or the myriad challenges that life throws our way, we've all felt that familiar tightening in the chest, quickened heartbeat, and the looming sense of overwhelm.

    As a Health Coach, one of my most common queries is: "How can I effectively manage and relieve stress?" While there are numerous ways to answer this, one remedy stands out for its simplicity and wide-ranging benefits: physical activity.

    The Multifaceted Benefits of Exercise are:
    Mental Clarity
    Improved Sleep:
    Boosted Self-Esteem:
    Mindfulness and Presence:
    Social Connections:

    Making Physical Activity a Regular Habit:
    Start Small
    Find Activities You Enjoy:
    Schedule It:
    Seek Support:
    Listen to Your Body:

    Thanks for tuning into the HBP Wellness Lifestyle podcast. Enjoyed our latest episode, "Erase Stress Instantly! Discover the Power of Physical Activity to Revitalize Your Life"? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Click the fan mail icon to leave a co

    Support the Show.

    Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

    Her digital home, info-on-high-blood-pressure.com, and through podcasting, serve a vibrant community, especially women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure.

    She provide tailor-made strategies from her personalized coaching and online courses, highlighting not just what you should eat but how you should think about food and lifestyle management to revitalize every aspect of your health. Exploring the power of mindful eating—a transformative approach that will forever change your relationship with food and show you how to command your blood sugar with confidence and ease.

    Together, you'll embark on a transformative journey, reshaping your lives from reactive health measures to proactive health empowerment. It's more than modifying a diet or changing a routine; it's about making wellness your daily mantra and experiencing a full transformation.

    So, let’s turn the tide on high blood pressure together, making wellness not just an occasional thought but a vibrant, unavoidable way of life! Join Donna Williams, to unlock the secrets to sustainable health, one powerful step at a time.

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    17 min
  • Decoding Diet Myths: Making Sense of Health Hypes.
    May 28 2024

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    Eat more fat; eat less fat. Cut carbohydrates from your diet; eat carbohydrates but only at certain times. Artificial sweeteners are a great alternative; artificial sweeteners wreak havoc on your gut. Do any of this sound familiar? When it comes to making decisions about your health, there’s often a lot of conflicting and confusing information.

    Welcome to the High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast, where your journey toward a healthier, more vibrant life takes center stage.

    I'm here to serve a vibrant community, especially women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure. With strategies, online courses, highlighting not what you should eat but how you should think about food and lifestyle to revitalize your health.

    Today’s topic is on
    Decoding Diet Myths: Making Sense of Health Hypes.

    You may be wondering, “How do I cut through all the noise to make healthy decisions that are right for me?”

    I embrace bio-individuality, it is the unique concept that you are the only version of you and what works for you won’t work for everyone else. It applies to everything – from the environment you thrive in, to the relationships that nourish you, to the food you eat (or don’t eat!).

    Here are three nutrition tips that everyone can benefit from, regardless of their bio-individuality:

    1. Eat more vegetables.
    2. Limit refined sugar.
    3. Make sure the fats you’re eating are health-supporting fats.

    Finding your healthy balance is possible with Overcome High Blood Pressure Eat Your Way To A Healthier Heart In 6 Weeks.

    If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by generic health advice that doesn’t take into account your culture or the flavors you love, this is the program for you. Together, we'll embark on a journey of transformation that respects your taste buds and heritage, turning every meal into an opportunity for wellness and empowerment.

    Join us to not just lower your blood pressure naturally, but to revitalize your life, one delicious bite at a loss.

    Thank you for being here at High Blood Pressure Wellness L

    Support the Show.

    Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

    Her digital home, info-on-high-blood-pressure.com, and through podcasting, serve a vibrant community, especially women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure.

    She provide tailor-made strategies from her personalized coaching and online courses, highlighting not just what you should eat but how you should think about food and lifestyle management to revitalize every aspect of your health. Exploring the power of mindful eating—a transformative approach that will forever change your relationship with food and show you how to command your blood sugar with confidence and ease.

    Together, you'll embark on a transformative journey, reshaping your lives from reactive health measures to proactive health empowerment. It's more than modifying a diet or changing a routine; it's about making wellness your daily mantra and experiencing a full transformation.

    So, let’s turn the tide on high blood pressure together, making wellness not just an occasional thought but a vibrant, unavoidable way of life! Join Donna Williams, to unlock the secrets to sustainable health, one powerful step at a time.

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    26 min
  • Foundations First: Building Your Personal Health Plan!
    May 21 2024

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    Starting a journey towards better health can often feel like standing at the base of a mountain, looking up at the peak. It's no small feat, but with the proper foundation, it's not only possible, it's achievable. Setting personal health goals is the foundation of a healthier lifestyle.

    One of the most challenging things about laying out the foundations first to building your personal health plan is getting started. Motivating yourself to change can be difficult, especially if you're dealing with a major illness. But you achieve optimal health by taking small steps toward your goal daily, you'll pave a path that will get you there with a slow and steady approach.

    What is the first goal you want to make progress on? Let’s build your personal health plan together. Here's how you can begin laying that foundation, step by step.

    1. Start with Self-Assessment
    2. Define Clear, Achievable Goals
    3. Start Small and Build Up
    4. Integrate Goals into Your Lifestyle
    5. Track Your Progress
    6. Seek Professional Guidance
    7. Prepare for Setbacks
    8. Celebrate Successes

    How To Simplify Your Weeknights with Time-Saving Techniques and Tips!
    Plan Ahead and Make a Shopping List:
    Batch Cook Your Proteins:
    Pre-Cut and Store Vegetables:
    Cook and Portion Grains:
    Embrace One-Pan and Sheet Pan Meals:
    Utilize Your Slow Cooker or Instant Pot:
    Rotate Your Meal Prep Dinners:

    By following these steps, you're not just setting goals. You're laying a sustainable foundation for a healthier future. Remember, the path to personal health doesn't have a finish line. Enjoy the journey!

    Thank you for being here at High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast and listening to todays’ podcast episode on ‘Foundations First: Building Your Personal Health Plan”. Do take a moment to subscribe and share with family and friends. See you next week.

    Read full transcript and download heart-healthy grocery list here.

    Support the Show.

    Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

    Her digital home, info-on-high-blood-pressure.com, and through podcasting, serve a vibrant community, especially women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure.

    She provide tailor-made strategies from her personalized coaching and online courses, highlighting not just what you should eat but how you should think about food and lifestyle management to revitalize every aspect of your health. Exploring the power of mindful eating—a transformative approach that will forever change your relationship with food and show you how to command your blood sugar with confidence and ease.

    Together, you'll embark on a transformative journey, reshaping your lives from reactive health measures to proactive health empowerment. It's more than modifying a diet or changing a routine; it's about making wellness your daily mantra and experiencing a full transformation.

    So, let’s turn the tide on high blood pressure together, making wellness not just an occasional thought but a vibrant, unavoidable way of life! Join Donna Williams, to unlock the secrets to sustainable health, one powerful step at a time.

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    19 min
  • Living Healthy: Where to Start and How to Sustain It!
    May 14 2024

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    Do you ever feel like there's too much to do in terms of living a healthier life? You might feel like you have no idea where to start or that so much needs to change you feel discouraged. While I understand those feelings completely, I want to encourage you that there is a more effective and less stressful way.

    Hi, I’m Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, owner and creator of info-on-high-blood-pressure.com website. I teach and guide my community, especially women of color in variety of ways through my website pages, one-on-one coaching, online courses, on how to prevent, treat and reduce high blood pressure numbers. A mindful eating program which is a powerful eating approach that changes how you think about meals forever. Also, an interactive coaching program on how to eat your way to balanced blood sugar control.

    These programs are designed to empower you, equipping you with tools, techniques, and strategies that create lasting, impactful change. It’s a lifestyle change where wellness is not an afterthought but a way of life.

    Also do you know you can now click on the Fan Mail section of my podcast and send me your message. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Starting a healthy lifestyle can often seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With a few simple steps, you can begin your journey to better health and find ways to sustain it long-term. Here's a practical guide to kick-starting a healthier you.
    Understand Your 'Why'
    Set Realistic Goals
    Create a Balanced Diet
    Get Moving
    Prioritize Sleep
    Manage Stress
    Stay Accountable
    Educate Yourself
    Find Support
    Be Patient and Flexible
    Make Health a Lifestyle

    Here are a few simple swaps you can do to start feeling better:
    Make hydration important.
    Practice listening to your body.
    Healthier food options.
    Create a sleep routine.

    I find it helpful to have some non-negotiables built into my wellness goals.
    Find a system for prep.
    Move every day.
    Get in a sleep routine.
    Be careful with too many restrictions.

    Thanks for listening.
    Access and read the full transcript here.

    Support the Show.

    Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

    Her digital home, info-on-high-blood-pressure.com, and through podcasting, serve a vibrant community, especially women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure.

    She provide tailor-made strategies from her personalized coaching and online courses, highlighting not just what you should eat but how you should think about food and lifestyle management to revitalize every aspect of your health. Exploring the power of mindful eating—a transformative approach that will forever change your relationship with food and show you how to command your blood sugar with confidence and ease.

    Together, you'll embark on a transformative journey, reshaping your lives from reactive health measures to proactive health empowerment. It's more than modifying a diet or changing a routine; it's about making wellness your daily mantra and experiencing a full transformation.

    So, let’s turn the tide on high blood pressure together, making wellness not just an occasional thought but a vibrant, unavoidable way of life! Join Donna Williams, to unlock the secrets to sustainable health, one powerful step at a time.

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    23 min
  • Why Wellness is more than diet and exercise | Let’s Redefine What It Means To Be Healthy!
    May 7 2024

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    Embarking on a journey toward healthy living is about so much more than just mastering your diet and fitting in regular workouts. Yes, nutrition and physical activity are the cornerstones of good health, but true wellness goes deeper, embracing a more rounded view of well-being. It's a holistic quest that brings mental health, our relationships with others, and a sense of personal achievement.

    Today let us start a new chapter in our health that goes beyond the basics of diet and exercise. This comprehensive approach ensures that we're not just physically fit but also emotionally resilient, socially connected, and genuinely content with our lives.

    My question to you is: Is your health routine missing these critical elements?

    Let's explore how integrating all the following facets can lead you to a fuller, more vibrant state of health.

    • Mental and Emotional Well-being
    • Quality Sleep and Deep Rest
    • Nurturing Social Connections
    • Personal Fulfillment and Purpose
    • The Role of Nutrition and Physical Activity
    • Adopting A Healthier Diet:
    • Wellness and change of seasons:

    Remember, small changes can lead to significant results. Most individuals do not realize the significance of having diet guidelines that serves as a basic weapon to fight against hypertension and many other chronic diseases. Food conveys emotional satisfaction, and it can become a hormonal stimulus that contributes to your health.

    You're invited to become part of the founder group of Eat Your Way To Balance Blood Sugar Control! You’ll be able to join at a discounted rate, just contact me and I’ll send you the discounted pricing.

    Thanks for listening to High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle podcast. If you find this episode on ‘Why Wellness is more than diet and exerciseplease take a moment to like and subscribe to this podcast and leave a 5-star review! Thank you. And do tell your friends and family about us.

    Support the Show.

    Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

    Her digital home, info-on-high-blood-pressure.com, and through podcasting, serve a vibrant community, especially women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure.

    She provide tailor-made strategies from her personalized coaching and online courses, highlighting not just what you should eat but how you should think about food and lifestyle management to revitalize every aspect of your health. Exploring the power of mindful eating—a transformative approach that will forever change your relationship with food and show you how to command your blood sugar with confidence and ease.

    Together, you'll embark on a transformative journey, reshaping your lives from reactive health measures to proactive health empowerment. It's more than modifying a diet or changing a routine; it's about making wellness your daily mantra and experiencing a full transformation.

    So, let’s turn the tide on high blood pressure together, making wellness not just an occasional thought but a vibrant, unavoidable way of life! Join Donna Williams, to unlock the secrets to sustainable health, one powerful step at a time.

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    29 min
  • Mental Health Journey with Mindfulness Practices that Leads to Self-Care, Self-Discovery and Wellbeing!
    May 1 2024

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    Anxiety is a normal and common human emotion. At the same time this disorder is the most common form of mental illness because sometimes anxiety can be so overwhelming. Fortunately for us, there are so many humane treatment options available than ever before with proven ways in coping this treatable human feeling.

    Today I have a very special guest:

    Dr. Ashley Harvey is a doctorate-prepared nurse practitioner who obtained her Doctorate of Nursing with an emphasis in Educational Leadership in September 2023. Has been a Family Nurse Practitioner since 2017, treating patients with complex conditions. Currently works for Comprehensive Rehab Consultants as a Physiatry Nurse Practitioner in 2 nursing homes as a consultant in Memphis and Millington, Tennessee. A Registered Nurse since 2010.

    Serves as a Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated member since March 2021, serves on a nonprofit that mentor’s young girls virtually, Keeta’s Place Inc. since 2022, and runs her podcast DOCTAH. She is a proud wife and mother of 3, and fur mom of 3.

    Our topic for today is Mental Health Journey with Mindfulness Practices that Leads to Self-Care, Self-Discovery and Wellbeing!

    Dr. Harvey relates very well to this topic since she experiences mental anxiety and is sharing how she has and is coping, while rediscovering her strength, taking back her power in making life and work decisions and so much more.

    May is mental health awareness month, it is with delight that I introduce Dr. Ashley Harvey. She's provided us with a link to a very help resource for you to access now to get started on your Mental Health Journey with Mindfulness Practices that Leads to Self-Care, Self-Discovery and Wellbeing!

    Questions I asked Dr. H are:
    1. Tell us about your journey:
    2. Pillars of Health:
    3. Balancing wellness with a busy life:
    4. Key insights from your experiences:
    5. The future of wellness:
    No matter how severe your anxiety might be, here are the different category where you can access mental health help right now. They will be able to help you on your journey toward a more fulfilling, happier life today.

    Support the Show.

    Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

    Her digital home, info-on-high-blood-pressure.com, and through podcasting, serve a vibrant community, especially women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure.

    She provide tailor-made strategies from her personalized coaching and online courses, highlighting not just what you should eat but how you should think about food and lifestyle management to revitalize every aspect of your health. Exploring the power of mindful eating—a transformative approach that will forever change your relationship with food and show you how to command your blood sugar with confidence and ease.

    Together, you'll embark on a transformative journey, reshaping your lives from reactive health measures to proactive health empowerment. It's more than modifying a diet or changing a routine; it's about making wellness your daily mantra and experiencing a full transformation.

    So, let’s turn the tide on high blood pressure together, making wellness not just an occasional thought but a vibrant, unavoidable way of life! Join Donna Williams, to unlock the secrets to sustainable health, one powerful step at a time.

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    31 min
  • Battling Spring Allergies the Natural Way So We Can Breathe Easy!
    Apr 23 2024

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    For many of us, the blossoming of flowers and warmer weather brings with them a less welcome sign of the season: allergies. Sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose can take the joy out of spring. But fear not—managing seasonal allergies is possible with a few proactive steps.

    Hello, you’re listening to High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast with Donna Williams. Hi, I’m Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, owner and creator of info-on-high-blood-pressure.com website. I help my community achieve a complete lifestyle transformation that teaches how to connect to their healing power to control, treat and even prevent high blood pressure. I especially love working with women of color, guiding them on getting back on track with their eating so they feel better, have more energy, and even drop a few pounds. The best part of working with my community is that I get to help them shift their habits, impress even their doctors with their results, all the while still eating food that tastes good. I would love to have a chat with you soon .

    Every spring, millions of people suffer from hay fever, otherwise known as seasonal allergies. Symptoms include sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose. While over-the-counter medications can effectively control these symptoms, many prefer natural remedies.

    First, know your triggers.

    • Pollen is a common culprit during spring. Keeping an eye on pollen counts through local weather forecasts can help you plan your outdoor activities on days when levels are lower.
    • Next, create an allergy-friendly environment at home.
    • Personal habits matter, too. Showering and changing clothes after being outdoors can minimize pollen exposure.
    • Over-the-counter antihistamines can be effective for managing symptoms.

    Now let’s take a look at some of the most natural and effective ways to manage your allergies this season:

    • Air Purifiers.
    • Herbal Remedies.
    • Sinus Wash.
    • Lifestyle Changes.

    Spring allergies can be unpleasant, but several natural remedies are available to help you alleviate symptoms.

    Thank you for listening to HBP Wellness Lifestyle Podcast. If you find this episode helpful, please take a moment to like and subscribe to this podcast.

    Support the Show.

    Donna Williams, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

    Her digital home, info-on-high-blood-pressure.com, and through podcasting, serve a vibrant community, especially women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure.

    She provide tailor-made strategies from her personalized coaching and online courses, highlighting not just what you should eat but how you should think about food and lifestyle management to revitalize every aspect of your health. Exploring the power of mindful eating—a transformative approach that will forever change your relationship with food and show you how to command your blood sugar with confidence and ease.

    Together, you'll embark on a transformative journey, reshaping your lives from reactive health measures to proactive health empowerment. It's more than modifying a diet or changing a routine; it's about making wellness your daily mantra and experiencing a full transformation.

    So, let’s turn the tide on high blood pressure together, making wellness not just an occasional thought but a vibrant, unavoidable way of life! Join Donna Williams, to unlock the secrets to sustainable health, one powerful step at a time.

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    11 min