• Reinvent Yourself With No Plan
    May 17 2024
    Reinvent Yourself With No Plan In the last couple of years, I made a decision that changed everything about my life. And no, when I began personal Operation Reinvention, I didn't have much of a plan. I wouldn't say I was winging it, but sometimes you have no idea what kind of plan you need. What I did have was a mindset. I wondered - "What single change can I make - a change that would automatically and positivity disrupt everything in my life and put me in a better place?" I followed that with… "I don't know WHAT it's going to be, but it's not going to be THAT!" While I didn't know exactly how to get there - or even what 'there' was, I knew I would recognize it when I saw it. Goals are cool. You should use them. Sometimes, you must follow your gut, go with the flow, and figure things out along the way. By the way, the single change turned out to be a massive rethinking of how I use my time. I create time freedom - and everything else begins to arrive. What change can YOU make that would automatically and positively disrupt everything in your life and leave you in a better place? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    12 min
  • Non-Optional Time Suckers
    May 16 2024
    Non-Optional Time Suckers It happens to all of us. We're going about our day, hot on the trail of checking off items on our never-ending To-Do list. Then, we discovered that we didn't get everything done before time ran out. When my son was entering the workforce, we would often find time to catch up on weekends. He was trying to navigate the business world while balancing his life. He had a fast-paced job and had become a productivity ninja. He was proud of his color-coded To-Do list and calendar, but he had a problem - "Dad, no matter how organized I am, I still can't get everything done. I'm writing everything down, and I'm working through it, and I still run out of time. What am I not doing right?" My first thought was how happy I was that he had the clarity of mind to look beyond the obvious solution. Then, I had a few questions - You say you have accounted for everything. How much time did you allocate for eating lunch or running down to the coffee shop today? How many times did you visit the restroom, and how long did it take? On your commute, how much time did you spend at the traffic lights? I stopped. "What does that have to do with my getting my work done?" he asked. Nothing, but you still have to get that stuff done. And thanks for making my point. What my son had discovered is what I call "Non-Ops" — the non-optional things of life. Non-Ops are a never-ending string of activities that require our attention. They never go away and sneak up without you knowing. If you don't account for the Non-Ops of life, you'll never get to the optionals of life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    13 min
  • How to Set Expectations and Get Results
    May 15 2024
    How to Set Expectations and Get Results I can’t remember a time in my life when expectations didn’t significantly impact every minute and hour of every day of my life. No matter who you are, you have a million expectations inside your mind — and don’t get me started about expectations that others have for you. Years ago, I developed an awareness of how expectations control our lives and settled on an engineering model to guide me along my path. The model is called the Feed-Forward/Feedback Model. The first step in the FFFM model is to become aware of everything happening in your life. Next, set an expectation for any event, goal, relationship, or life situation that you have in your life. Once set, your only job is to observe whether you are getting what you desire. If not, and there is always an if not, notice the discrepancy and update your expectation based on real-life results. Continue observing your result and making adjustments until you get the expected result. It looks like this: expectation, observation, discrepancy detection, change in exception, expectation. Life is not rocket science. It’s engineering. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    12 min
  • Two Words That Will Change Your Life: Slow Down
    May 14 2024
    Two Words That Will Change Your Life: Slow Down While recovering from Total Hip Replacement, I engaged with a client on a Zoom call. He shared one of his favorite sayings, “Slow is fast, fast is slow,” which made me angry. Why? First Responders practice “Slow is fast, fast is slow” all the time, so you never see them running to the scene. Pacing themselves is simply safer, more effective, and faster. A more real-life example of why it’s a good idea to experience a risk-taking, lane-shifting driver passing you five times only to end up sitting next to you at the stop light—or worse. The reason I was angry was because I had not yet listened to the advice I give high-performance and driven individuals every day of my life — “SLOW DOWN! Step off the hamster wheel of life, wait for the wheel to stop spinning, and only then, begin your journey to whatever you want.” What I realized in my recovery from THR was my pre-surgery hamster wheel was still spinning on pure adrenaline, even though my medications and mobility had forced me to a stop a few days earlier. Once I recognized what was happening, I breathed and began my slow journey back to myself. If you struggle to implement a plan, I can promise you that you are pushing too fast, and until you force yourself to STOP - everything will keep spinning out of control. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    13 min
  • Total Control: Pre-Planned Responses
    May 13 2024
    Total Control: Pre-Planned Responses Imagine if you could always know what to say in any situation. Having the right thing to say is possible. The trick is to think about all the possible ways a conversation may go and create a Pre-Planned Response. The secret is to work it from every angle until you have covered everything possible. Leave no stone unturned. So, what happens when the conversation arrives? 1) You will be calm and collected. 2) You will not be surprised. 3) You will have the right thing to say. What happens if you are surprised? It's impossible to predict what everyone will say. But you can focus on the unexpected because you have everything else covered. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    12 min
  • Mapping Your Success
    May 10 2024
    Mapping Your Success Have you ever heard people preach, "Get out of your comfort zone, try new things, always stretch!" While true, it's only part of the story. Look at anybody who has achieved goals and maintained success over a period, and you'll find: 1) Motivation. Successful people do whatever they can to stay motivated. It's not an occasional thing. It's an always thing. 2) Accountability. Successful people accept responsibility and ask others to hold them to their plan. 3) Planning. Successful people understand that no plan survives the first battle. They plan, work, and adjust until they get what they want. 4) Systemization. Successful people believe success is sequential and built level-by-level. Once achieved, it is systemized and maintained. 5) Sustainability. Successful people know that everything has an expiration date. Continuous monitoring and adjustments allow for long-term success. I call this system MAPSS. It's all you need to get anything you want in life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    15 min
  • Productivity Efficiency
    May 9 2024
    Productivity Efficiency I think it’s time we stop seeking more productivity. It’s too much work! I prefer being more efficient and effective. Here are a couple of ideas that will help: 1) Say “No” to meetings if possible. If you must, keep them short and sweet. 2) Delay paying attention to incoming communication. It’s nothing more than somebody else’s to-do list. Do your stuff first. 3) Daily interruptions will never go away. You may as well expect and plan for them. 4) Only schedule up to 50% of your day. This will give you more time for unexpected events. 5) No more multi-tasking. Finish one task before the next. The fastest way to be more productive is to make your ‘Did I Do It’ list as short as possible. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    16 min
  • How To KNOW You Are a Success
    May 8 2024
    How To KNOW You Are a Success Have you ever had a crazy day that involved putting out fires and wondering when it would be time to go home? And did I mention you were doing what you love and want to be doing successfully? Why is it that life gets crazier when things go well? There’s a simple answer. No matter what you do, your life will change when enough people begin paying attention to you. Some folks will love you. Some will hate you. Others won’t have an opinion but will say something anyway. Many will be jealous. Lots will be proud. It doesn’t matter what you do. You will know when you have succeeded when lovers and haters come out to play simultaneously. Focus on the lovers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    14 min