
  • Richard Bunting - Rewilding
    Aug 7 2021

    Richard Bunting works with Rewilding Britain and has over 30 years’ experience campaigning with NGOs such as Amnesty International, UNICEF, WHO, Trees for Life and the UN.

    Today, Richard discusses this concept of Rewilding, how this conservation method differs from others, and how its reach extends to not only animals and biodiversity, but also battling climate change, assisting farmers and food production and improving our overall health.

    Not only that, Richard discusses ongoing projects, the concept of predator introduction and the importance of biodiversity for creatures such as bees, beavers and many more. He also provides ways in which you can get involved or help out at home.

    For more information, check out your local Rewilding organistation, or go to rewildingbritain.org.uk for more links and ideas.

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    45 min
  • Total War: Destroying The American Buffalo
    Jul 30 2021

    Episode 1 in the Wildlife Series. We discuss the story of the Buffalo in America and how these great herds known once as the "Thunder on the Plains" with a population numbering 30-60 million, were deliberately and rapidly destroyed as a tool in the war against the Native Americans, to a number of only around 300.

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    18 min
  • Franck Marchis - Exoplanets
    May 16 2021

    Franck Marchis is a Planetary astronomer at the SETI Institute and the CSO at Unistellar.

    Franck starts the conversation today with some of the real time stats in the search for other worlds, such as numbers of planets and numbers of stars, that really shine a light on our place in the universe. He also discusses Astronomical research itself, and how things like citizen science can really bolster this pursuit. Lastly, Franck reflects on some of the philosophical and societal effects that looking to the stars really has.


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    46 min
  • Lewis Dartnell - Astrobiology
    May 2 2021

    Lewis Dartnell is an Astrobiologist, Presenter and Author.

    Today he discusses the series of contradictions that we have on the topic of life elsewhere. Life on Earth is somehow special, yet there is an abundance of Earth-like planets within our universe. Life is fragile, yet life always find a way. So In this conversation, Lewis discusses what is significant in Astrobiology, why it matters to us, its effects on society and ultimately what that means for humanity and for the future.

    For more information on Lewis, as well as his fantastic books, find him at lewisdartnell.com.

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    42 min
  • Other Worlds - Mars as the Abode of LIfe
    Apr 27 2021

    Episode 1 in the Other Worlds Series. We investigate humanities obsessive relationship with Mars, and subsequently, the idea of the martian. This tale follows how Mars played a role in the world's religions, the planet's involvement in the development of astronomy, and finally, the unfortunate tale of Percival Lowell and his "Martian Canals".

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    14 min
  • Tom Wong - Quantum Computing
    Feb 20 2021

    Tom is a Quantum Computing researcher and physicist, working at the intersection between physics and computer science.

    Today, he talks about this technology that could revolutionize the way we live life. He explains what quantum computing Is, from how it operationally differs from classical computing, to how it is actually an entirely different way of computing and should be treated as such.

    Tom also discusses some of the real world benefits and concerns about this technology. Particularly, how quantum computing could drastically advance our pursuit of higher tech medicines and vaccines, but also the potential vulnerability of our current information if we don’t prepare for a quantum computing world now.

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    47 min
  • George Musser - Quantum Entanglement
    Feb 3 2021

    George Musser is a contributor to the Scientific American, an author and science communicator.

    Today, he talks about one of the most unexplained parts of the quantum world, known as quantum entanglement, or as was coined by Einstein, spooky action at a distance. George gives us a clear and easy to grasp explanation of what spooky action at a distance is, also discussing why it is that quantum physics is just so hard to explain compared to other areas of science.

    Lastly, the conversation covers some of the philosophy behind this quantum world, why its actually not that strange, and why unlearning things in science can often be just as important as learning them.

    Books can be found here: https://spookyactionbook.com/author/gmusser/

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    50 min
  • The Father of Quantum Mechanics - Niels Bohr: Escape from Copenhagen
    Jan 28 2021

    Episode 1 in the Quantum Series. We follow the story of Niels Bohr, a Jewish born physicist and one of the Fathers of Quantum Mechanics, during the invasion of the Nazi’s to his home nation of Denmark. Bohr’s escape is an incredible tale, ending in his eventual involvement in the nuclear weapons program that arguably changed the face of humanity.

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    17 min