
  • Episode 14 - There were these 4 nuns.... pimple poppers, starry beards and yeast!
    Jun 6 2024

    DUNN Reveals a new word; well it wasn't new to Thom, even her kids know this one! You may cringe at this episode... items discussed will be relatable to every single woman in every household, even our bloke listeners may laugh at the audacity! However, we push on with the possibilities of feeling like you're losing an organ and naming the things that you have to improvise on when out for a walk with your dog! Why crusty baps can hurt the top of your mouth but adding Lurpak to anything, then you're anyone's. With our knack for improving signage and product notices, it's evident that we're the ones you need on your team! From advising on what not to do to MORE CLEAR signage, and the best brands, we've got you covered. Let's make your message shine!

    Plus, we share hot girl summer tips from TikTok and Dunn's ingenious solutions for blokes with burnt legs. Dive in and join the fun - but maybe keep your hand ready to cover your eyes (or mouth) GASP! Poor Jean

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    1 ora e 16 min
  • Episode 13 - Thank god our butt hole isn't above our waist!
    May 23 2024

    In this episode, there's a ton to learn and laugh about, where does she search to get her information? Picture skidding down a church hall, trying to keep the vicar from hearing about a "mother fudder." Remember the mantra: Space, Place, Face! We'll also chat about the pure joy of hanging washing on the line—because who can handle those fancy colourful socks or tasteless pegs?

    Dive into the bizarre world of sea urchin anatomy and discover why holding in your farts might just give you bad breath. Expect plenty of laughs along the way, and maybe even consider joining a Zumba crew. And let's not forget the injustice of mocking someone who sounds like they're talking in "Fanny Farts!"

    Catch up on all the fun phrases we love to use... more tea, vicar! and the best bit of advice received from the lady who gave out something for the first night of marriage! Ouch

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    1 ora e 18 min
  • Episode 12 - Rub my fat thighs Mr Beaver-Wetter
    May 9 2024

    Now don't be deterred by the title, it's just some of the things we talk about; double-barrelled surnames are important to some people! We've reminisced right the way back to Monkey Magic, Jean Claude Van Damn, and Chocolate pancakes from a Starsky and Hutch annual! It does make us crawl back through the history books of Shaws, Dandelion, and Burdock (Murdoch's cousin), and the disgusting 80's throwback back, or is that throw-up, cream sodas with ice cream... No thanks says Pigsy, I would rather have Monkey whistle me a cloud! Be sure to learn a few things, as we enter and end this episode with some cool facts - HOW FAST, HOW GROSS! Come and enjoy, you know it's like we're right in the room with you eating a 'Chunky' Kitkat!

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    1 ora e 5 min
  • Episode 11- What's pink and smells of ginger? It's not Vestibular bulbs
    Apr 25 2024

    We've been loving the feedback from our recent episodes – some of you had us in stitches with suggestions like "grandma mother pluckers"! let's talk about dialing it down a notch, shall we.... err No! We're here for a good laugh, a good fart, even in public and we try our best to overdo it with the long "Comings" and the foot-long lunches... What noise are you scared of.. screaming child or something more closer to the Vestibulars?

    We're keeping the banter rolling and the jokes "Coming",.... Let's not shy away from those everyday topics that we know you've all wanted to either talk about or at least, ask questions about, and we're tackling them head-on, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zone... which is? This week, we're sending a shout-out to the amazing tail walkers – keep up the great work, Angels of the North you lovely runner you.

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    53 min
  • Episode 10 - If you roll with it, you might snap it and don't watch a farmer!
    Apr 11 2024

    Why does being so exhausted make you a total A Hole? And seriously, where did all the love and fun of the word Smorgasbord disappear to, with the pampas grasses in 1983?

    Never be a Dicktim or a Flibbertigibbet, and for the love of all things, be crystal clear about what you watch with a farmer! Remember to vent first... because, you know, sometimes words just have a mind of their own! We're diving into more of those delightful things that BMP, kn*bheads things and people, all while clutching onto our favourite tweezers for dear life. So, slap on those headphones or buckle up for the ride, let's jump back in, and pick up where you left off - Episode 10 is for you, but do grab your Girl Guide Panty liners, yes that's two... it's a funny one, the jokes are good to use this week!

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    1 ora e 11 min
  • Episode 9 - Grandma is a homosexual and the dangers of a blanket
    Mar 28 2024

    Woo-hoo, alrighty then! Brace yourselves for another rollercoaster of an episode! Dunn and Thom are on fire, and let's just say, it's anything but tame. Thom is channeling her inner Zen, attempting to rein in the chaos (Socks and Crocs included), but hey, we all have our moments! Ever heard of ASMR? Strap in as they dive into the weird and wonderful world of sensory (it's not bliss), and get ready for another round of Thom's infamous quizzes – do you know what it is? Let's not forget about those hilarious predictive text fails... From 'Homo Hot Lips' to unconventional kitchen floor cleaning methods, we're covering it all! join the madness, it's the best place to be! * Excuse the small interruptions of a little hairy dog.. we've edited some of the noise, but some were unavoidable - But it's better than the clearing of the throats!

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    58 min
  • Episode 8 - Majora & Minora, the two ugly sisters; Vulval-cleft (not a surname)
    Mar 14 2024

    Introducing Miss Minge and Miss Growler, two fresh characters for teeny, tiny books aimed at mature audiences (not for kids). This week's storyline is with an array of WIDL words, from "Pustule" to "Flank," and "Bulbous." Vulval Clutch, she could perform a new sitcom, Ooo, Marjora and, Minora! Prepare for Dunn to lose her zoom, through the school parent's interview adventures, and if anyone dares to create another edited picture of Kate and the Kids, Thom might unleash her inner Hulk, and flex in her Farah slacks (pants) With BMP and the new CAC, the focus remains on embracing new learning opportunities each time, especially for Thom, who's known for being a right Douche-bag - she knows nothing about her own Vulvar! Join us on Instagram, Rein-it-in-with-Thom-and-Dunn

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    1 ora e 3 min
  • Episode 7 - What can you do with Jollup, and how we should bring back the finger time
    Feb 29 2024

    Do you like the new logo? This week's episode features a quiz on adding a noun to a swear word to give it a less offensive twist! And a question, "Jollup" is it a Yorkshire saying? Whether it is or not, Dunn delves into the creative realm fueled by lack of sleep, concocting marketing strap lines that follow the theme. Remember the term "Sl*g" from the '80s, a label we didn't appreciate from boys who knew little, but what they could do behind the bike shed was always a pleasure? Let's revive it; not behind the bike shed though!

    Tune in to this week's episode to learn something new, and be prepared with a tissue if you find our antics hilarious, but it might just be us! 😄🎙️

    Give us a follow on Instagram - Rein_it_in_with_thom_and_dunn

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    50 min