• 11. Quieting the Inner Critic
    Jun 12 2024

    Join me, Dara Rossi, as I explore the persistent challenge of silencing our inner critic, the voice that demands perfection in every facet of our lives. Together with my esteemed guest, Pam Aks, a professional certified coach and author, we unpack the repercussions of this internal dialogue—from burnout to self-doubt—and present strategies for turning down its volume. Listen in as we navigate the roots of this critical voice, understand its evolutionary purpose, and learn how it can be reined in to foster a more confident and balanced mindset.

    In this enlightening discussion, we tackle the fine line between caution and crippling self-doubt, offering practical tips on how to better tune into our feelings and discern the messages they're sending us. Hear how awareness and presence can be your tools to manage the inner critic, with actionable steps like changing your posture, engaging in third-person self-talk, and incorporating physical actions to counteract negativity. Discover the power of reframing your thoughts, recognizing that the voice inside your head doesn't define you—it's just data. So, whether you're looking to shed the weight of unrealistic expectations or seeking affirmation for slowing down, this episode is your guide to empowering your mindset through self-awareness.

    To learn more about Pam Aks, connect with her on LinkedIn or visit her website at whatswithinu.com

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    21 min
  • 10. Being Audacious and How To Lead Like a Queen
    May 29 2024

    Are you ready to embrace your inner queen and lead with audacity? That's precisely what Sarah Kenny and I unpack in a heart-to-heart about redefining bold leadership. As we delve into the transformative journey from gender equity advocacy to coaching, Sarah's compelling narrative demonstrates how finding one's purpose can be the key to unlocking leadership potential. We discuss the nuances of audacious leadership, which transcends mere risk-taking to include the courage to own our stories and express our true selves. This episode is your invitation to a candid exploration of what it takes to lead with confidence and authenticity, minus the superhero cape.

    Sarah joins me in a vibrant discussion about embracing our inner queens. We draw parallels between influential women like Beyonce and Michelle Obama and the queenly attributes of setting boundaries, adhering to values, and staying true to one's purpose. The conversation circles back to insights from her book, emphasizing the importance of nurturing one's reserves for bold leadership. By the end of the episode, you’ll feel part of an 'army of Queens,' ready to wield your influence for empowerment. Remember, your crown has been bought and paid for; all you must do is put it on—and this episode might just be the coronation you didn't know you needed.

    To learn more about Sarah Kenny and her work, connect with her on LinkedIn.

    Dr. Dara would love to connect.

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    27 min
  • 9. Superwoman Must Die
    May 15 2024

    Join me as my guest Errika Flood-Moultrie, founder of Connections Multiplied, and I unravel the complexities and challenges faced by Black women striving for leadership roles in the nonprofit sector. Listen in as Errika shares her personal narrative and unwavering commitment to crafting a nurturing environment for Black women leaders. We confront the pervasive "Superwoman" myth, advocating for a lifestyle that celebrates authenticity over unsustainable ideals.

    Prepare to be inspired by a game-changing program that's redefining leadership for Black women in the nonprofit sector. With a focus on holistic growth, healing from workplace trauma, and mastering key professional skills, this initiative is breaking ground and cultivating a powerful network of support.

    We also address the culture of over-apologizing and the need for unshakable self-belief, empowering listeners to claim their space at the table with confidence.

    You can learn more about Errika by visiting connectionsmultiplied.com or check out the inspiring stories of 25 women from 25 different backgrounds in the book I Said What I Said.

    Dr. Dara would love to connect.

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    28 min
  • 8. Your Purpose is in Your Blueprint
    Apr 24 2024

    Have you ever felt a gentle tug at your soul, whispering that there's something more you're meant to do? Laura Berman Fortgang, renowned personal coach and speaker, joins me in an intimate conversation that could be your first step towards that elusive sense of purpose you've been seeking.

    Together, we weave through the tapestry of life's experiences, sharing how the threads of our individual journeys can guide us to fulfillment and leave a legacy that resonates with our deepest values.

    Laura and I explore the territories of our lives where purpose is often found, from the joys of our childhood to the challenges we've overcome. We consider how purpose extends beyond our job titles, manifesting in the varied ways we touch the lives around us, be it through career, volunteer work, or simply how we show up for our community. Listen as Laura shares 4 crucial questions that help reveal your unique strengths and how others' perceptions can serve as a compass to your calling.

    (02:35) Discovering Purpose Through Life Blueprint
    (06:59) 4 Powerful Questions To Find Your Purpose
    (10:29) Finding Purpose Through Impact and Being
    (17:18) Purpose Through Adversity
    (26:09) Influencing Change and Purpose

    You can learn more about Laura at laurabermanfortgang.com and download your free guide to clarity by clicking here.

    Dr. Dara would love to connect.

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    29 min
  • 7. Managing Conflict in the Workplace
    Apr 10 2024

    In this interview, we're talking about conflict in the workplace and the role that emotional intelligence plays in navigating such conflict successfully.

    My guest, Dr. Robyn Short, is an organization systems design consultant, peace-building trainer, and mediator with expertise in restorative practices and transformative mediation models.

    She discusses the different types of conflict in the workplace and highlights the importance of understanding the structural factors influencing conflict in organizations.

    We talk about how cultural and generational norms can impact the flow of information throughout the organization, and how this can lead to challenges in navigating basic human needs.

    We also talk about the differences in how men and women navigate conflict and the consequences of these different styles and consider whether these differences are innate or learned (and therefore can be adjusted).

    Finally, Dr. Short provides some strategies for effective conflict resolution, including leading with grace and building relationships.

    You can learn more about Dr. Robyn Short by visiting https://www.workplacepeaceinstitute.com
    or on LinkedIn

    Dr. Dara would love to connect.

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    39 min
  • 6. EmPower with Etiquette: Polite Boundaries, Better Relationships
    Mar 29 2024

    You may be thinking, why are you talking about etiquette. Civility is hard to find in our world. People are under a lot of stress, and it seems that many people are just waiting for an opportunity to express the pent-up anger. We see it publicly, we see it in the media, and we experience it personally. Rudeness is almost the norm these days. Today, we will discuss how good manners can positively impact both our personal and professional lives. From setting boundaries to combating gossip, my guest Kristi Spencer will share how to become more confident and create stronger connections. We'll also explore how being polite doesn't mean being a pushover.

    CARE download

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    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    31 min
  • 5. Happiness Through Neuroscience
    Mar 20 2024

    This topic is timely, since March 20 is designated as International Day of Happiness,. The date is designed to recognizes the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human around our world.

    We have a tendency to run on auto pilot because of the neurological pathways in our brains that have been built from emotional activation (you might’ve heard this called triggers) and then behaviors that follow. This is similar to walking a path from a cabin through the woods and down to the lake. We walked at same path each time because it’s much easier than forging a new path through the trees and the brush to get to that same location. What do these neurological pathways have to do with happiness and how can they help us settle our minds and our lives ?

    Without geeking out too much on the brain, my guest Juanita Rowley helps figure this out. She founder of Happiness Through Neuroscience that takes the understanding of the biological functions of the brain and the behaviors that are produced from that and harnesses the capability to change the patterns to create the designer brain.

    Connect with Juanita Rowely

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    31 min
  • 4. Executive Women and Moms: Leading & Living Authentically Without the Cape
    Mar 1 2024

    In this interview, Jessica Nunez and I have a great discussion on the Superwoman archetype and its impact on women's personal and professional lives. There are societal pressures for women to excel in every aspect of life without dropping any plates. This contributes to a culture of busyness that is pervasive; however, being busy does not equal success.

    • Key Takeaways:
      • Embrace vulnerability to establish trust and authenticity.
      • Set boundaries and communicate expectations to maintain balance.
      • Practice self-accountability and say no when necessary.
      • Strive for an integrated life to live authentically and without the need for a metaphorical cape.
      • Core Values and Authenticity: Knowing and living personal and professional values to maintain authenticity. This simple exercise to ihelps to dentify core values and align actions accordingly.

    Values Exercise
    Write down the names of 3-5 people that you send the most time with.
    2. Write 3-5 things you love about each person. These are things you truly appreciate and value about them.
    3. No, look for themes and look for common denominators. Different words can mean the same thing (ex. funny, joking, laughter, etc.)
    4. Narrow down the list to 3 core values. These are the things you want to say yes to.

    Book Reference
    The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) by David Emerald
    This book is aa simple, engaging story with life-changing insights. TED* offers you inspiration and practical tools to improve relationships at work and home.

    Connect with Jessica Nunez

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    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    32 min