
  • Manifestation of Addiction, Sober Living Life Patterns
    Apr 23 2024

    The Kolbrin bible is very interesting for sure and I have to give credit, once again, to Jason Breshears of Archaix.com for introducing me to it. In doing that, he has also inspired another episode of My Sober Addiction.
    In this episode, we talk about how life in this reality is all about learning some very important lessons. Active Addiction taught us the ugly side of manifestation, it taught us that we create our own reality, for better or worse. In the grand scheme of things, addiction was just a bump in the road, as long as we learned from it. What did we learn? Well, two things really. One, life in addiction is our own doing, everything we went through was self-imposed. The good news is that for every Yin there is a Yang. We learned to manifest our lives, we learned to be creators. The problem is that the live we created for ourselves was hell on earth but if we can manifest This then we can also manifest That. The second thing we need to learn is that we are the architects of our lives, not the builders. We set the plans, we design what we want our life in sobriety to be like and then hand it over to the Chief Creator and then truly trust that it will be done. We only need to focus on the What, not the How. When we stop trying to dictate how we will move on into sobriety and create amazing lives and instead just focus on what we want life after addiction to be like and let it go and trust our Higher Power to get it done. When we do this, we will be amazed and how good life will get and how fast.
    Please leave a rating and review of the show, and also look me up on YouTube where I usually post videos about my thoughts after the show, things that I either didn’t think about until afterward or forgot to talk about. While you’re at it, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, in the very near future, i am going to start doing some live streams on there. Love you all!

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    36 min
  • Breaking Patterns, Breaking Addictions
    Apr 1 2024

    In this episode of My Sober Addiction, we discuss the importance of breaking patterns in your life to create change. It goes a lot deeper, though, the ultimate goal is to throw Reality some curve balls. During active addiction, we became slaves to rituals, it wasn’t enough to use drugs, we had to make entire rituals out of it. While we are now living sober, we still do some things religiously, the same way every time. From the routes we drive to work to our routines at home and what we do in our free time, we follow set, predictable patterns. We have to learn to break out of those patterns and enhance our Reality Creation.
    Also, I’m reading a few of my posts from my Substack page that are relevant to the topic.
    I am keeping this description short and sweet and I’ll see you on the inside.
    Much love and respect, Matt

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    32 min
  • The Fog of Addiction, The Dream of Lucidity
    Mar 29 2024

    Are we there yet? One of the first episodes of My Sober Addiction was titled “From That to This at 1,000mph” which could imply that sobriety is itself a destination. It certainly could mean that but there is no destination. Every experience is another stop on a trip to…well, we don’t know, do we? We have come to the conclusion that it is never about the destination but the journey, and while that sounds like a corny slogan or a bumper sticker, it’s so very true. I say we are spiritual nomads exploring creation but as fast as we can explore we keep creating. We come from the Source, most people refer to this as God, the Creator, the Universe, the Oversoul, etc. Drug addiction was certainly an experience, and it led us down paths we wouldn’t have otherwise went down. Most addicts in recovery very soon after getting sober ask the question, “Ok, so now what?” and also go on a sort of spiritual quest for answers. Answers to questions that could have arose from (like in my case) some profound experience while essentially flatlined during an overdose. The more I explore spirituality the more I realize this existence is not what we have been taught. Not even close. I realize I have some rather extreme views on this subject and that I am teetering dangerously close to being a full fledged Simulation Theory guy. I’m ok with that, and I’m not sorry for it. Ultimately, I’m curious, I want to know the secrets of existence, consciousness, and why we are here. I want to create an amazing life and am relentlessly searching for ways to make that happen. Also, I want to share what I’ve learned with whoever wants to hear it and ideally I’d love for others to join me and share what they’ve learned.
    Addiction taught us that life is very short, and it is beautiful. What I said earlier about us being “spiritual nomads” was pretty good…hey, even ol’ Matty can occasionally come up with a good one. Anyway, I’m inviting you to go on a journey with me. Let’s go explore Creation, and create more and more of it. Our time here is short and I believe that whatever we are moving on to after this will be determined by how well we have mastered this. I believe we are here to learn how to create like the Creator does. Every religious philosophy tells us that we can do this, “All these things that I do you can also do, and more”…something like that…as the saying goes, “Iron sharpens iron,” we can make each other better, master this reality and move on to whatever comes next, I bet its pretty awesome.
    Please consider showing your support by rating and reviewing the show. Also, I have a lot of content on my Substack and starting to YouTube. On all platforms I am just me, no fancy moniker, just Matt Stevens. Well, on YouTube it is MattStevensMSA, ya know, for My Sober Addiction.

    Much love and respect!

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    34 min
  • A Dream Within a Lucid Dream and Other Shenanigans
    Mar 2 2024

    I know I have entire episodes where I don’t even mention addiction, sobriety, recovery, sober living, or any of that. I’m not really sorry for that because well, we do, in fact, recover and then move on into our lives as sober individuals. So, what happens next? Well, that’s where this podcast comes in, assuming you are thriving in your sobriety. A lot of us had brushes with death…if we didn’t just straight up look it in the eye! Most of us have had at least one overdose, and some were life changing, even if not immediately. I feel like I at least got to take a peek into the other side and what I witnessed still wasn’t enough to cause me to kick addiction and get sober right way, but it was enough to make me start asking questions about spirituality. When I did finally decide that enough is enough and to get sober, or at least to give sobriety an honest effort, I realized that I am now what they call a “seeker,” someone who is looking for the answers to life’s biggest questions.
    Sober living is just the beginning. Getting clean and finally clear minded causes you to actually think (maybe too well) and thinking without the fog addiction to heroin or fentanyl or whatever drug is rather eye opening. You realize how cloudy your whole brain and thought process really was. It’s kind of scary looking back on it now. Sure, the drugs definitely cloud your brain but the one track mind of active addiction of “get more drugs” at any cost and nothing else matters is…well, its really a F’d up way to be. Once you’ve freed yourself from that, you see just how insane active addiction is.
    So, now we are spending the rest of our lives as shining examples to those still suffering in active addiction and creating amazing lives and doing amazing things in service to others. So, if I don’t exactly apologize for spending entire episodes without even mentioning addiction, sobriety, recovery, sober living, etc. now you know why. We are moving on from addiction, we are moving into reality creation. Yes, the Laws of Attraction (not my favorite but whatever) and of Assumption (still not my favorite but closer to my truth) and Vibration (now we are getting there), Reality Creation, etc. BE AS IF… That’s all! I guess it doesn’t come as a surprise at this point what I’m NOT talking about in this episode. Just humor ya man one time, would ya? Thanks. I’ll do a “crazy addiction stories” episode next…or maybe the one after that since the next one is already outlined. aaaahahaha
    Much love and respect, Matt

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    28 min
  • Recovery From Codependence with guest Kitty
    Feb 9 2024

    During active addiction, most of us were in a series of codependent relationships, it seems it’s just part of being an addict. Both parties rely on the other to cover a shortcomings, usually its to do with the addiction itself. Either, they have money or are well connected or whatever. These relationships revolve around what they can do for each other rather than companionship. However, once we get help and recover and are transitioned into living sober, a lot of us long for a relationship, not just any relationship but a healthy one. Most of us addicts in recovery don’t know what that even IS! So, we’ve got to be extra careful not to fall into those old traps. We’ve got to get ourselves to the point where we do not NEED someone for anything, we simply enjoy their company and companionship. I am so thankful that I have finally found this with (as most listeners of this podcast already know) Kitty. She’s amazing, she makes me so happy to be alive and inspires me to strive to be a better person. She doesn’t need me for anything, she’s perfectly independent all by herself, so I know, with total confidence, that she loves me and is with me because she wants to be. It took me getting to a place where I am also independent, stable mentally, spiritually and even financially which, by the way, means that I am free from active addiction, to even qualify for a healthy relationship with a “normie.”
    In this episode, Kitty joins me as my first ever guest (although it definitely felt more like a cohost) to mark this, the 20th episode of My Sober Addiction, and to talk with us about relationships. We don’t just talk about our own relationship, she explains things from the perspective of the “affected,” those that love us and often enabled us during our addiction until they realize they simply just can’t do it any more, when they realize that their “help” is only helping us to kill ourselves. It is a very candid and natural conversation and I can’t wait to have her back on for more of them.
    I can’t wait for you to hear this episode. As always, much love and respect to you all!

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    30 min
  • God Living Through You, Addiction Recovery
    Jan 22 2024

    I’m baaaaack….finally. In this, my 2nd come back episode, I am continuing our thoughts about “life after addiction” because, after all, we do have to move on from addiction and even get past recovering and begin moving on into living sober. By getting past active addiction, we have overcame an amazing obstacle, which is awesome, but at some point we’ve got to move on into what comes next. What a lot of us are left with, though, are the questions about spirituality. Particularly those of us who had really bad overdoses and came back from it with memories of “while we were out.” Most of us are afraid of ridicule so we don’t talk about it, well I do. You’re welcome. It causes a lot of us to question a lot about spirituality and what we’ve been trained to believe vs what we actually experienced. It created in me an unbreakable faith in a Creator, but forever shattered the paradigms of organized religion. So now what, Matt? Well, dear recovering addict, now we strip it all down to raw spirituality, just us and the Big Guy, the Creator, the Universe, the Oversoul, etc. and figure out what we are left with. Once we strip out all the lies and programming, then what we are left with must be what’s true, like it or not. We figure out what resonates with us (more on resonance, frequency and vibration soon) and go with it.
    Yes, once we get past active addiction, and then past recovery and begin living sober, we have to really figure out what we are going to do with the rest of our lives. We may as well get real, or more accurately, keep being real, and face spirituality head on the same way we did addiction. Life is about the journey, not the destination, so lets go!

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    29 min
  • Addicted to Rehab, Recovery from Foxy
    Nov 18 2023

    We have all heard of people becoming institutionalized. They get to the point where they don’t know how to live outside of some kind of facility, usually it’s jail and/or prison, or rehab. It’s sad but it really does happen. Being on addictive drugs is very similar. We’ve all heard people say they use drugs every day but they don’t even get high any more, I used to say that all the time, and I wholeheartedly believed it. I have since realized that I must’ve been high. Addicts get to the point where being high is their normal, they don’t know what being sober even feels like, unless we call detoxing and being in withdrawal “normal.” Breaking people, particularly addicts who are new to sobriety out of those mindsets has got to become more of a priority.
    In this episode, I discuss being institutionalized and the druggy mindset, just kind of laying the foundation for future episodes that we can dive into this topic further. Oh, I also teach you how to make “squeeze cheese,” what drinking Foxy is and how I managed to get better food in jail…but you’re going to have to listen if you want to know about those things. Haha not sorry.
    Love you all!

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    30 min
  • Quantum Addiction and Belief, and Squeeze Cheese
    Oct 29 2023

    This podcast is, primarily, based on addiction and recovery, and very much about relapse prevention. Those of us in recovery have a very distinct opportunity to rise from the ashes and build amazing lives for ourselves. I have even said that not only should we do it but we kind of, as survivors, have an obligation to so we can show the way for those still suffering in active addiction. We have to light the way for them.
    With that said, In this episode I go into exactly why I have recently gone off into all the Quantum Physics and I guess even into Theoretical Physics. It’s no secret that I am very much a student of the Laws of Attraction and Assumption and believe wholeheartedly that we can use these laws to create amazing lives for ourselves. I accept the fact that a lot of people need to see some kind of physical proof of how these laws work in order for them to believe in them. So, hello Quantum Physics! Understanding the Double Slit Experiment and Quantum Entanglement helps us to understand that manifestation, reality creation, aren’t magic. In fact, they can be explained and demonstrated with physics, which helps us build belief in the process.
    By coming out of active addiction, recovering, and staying sober haven’t we already accomplished amazing things? If that isn’t proof enough that we are masters at manifestation and reality creation then fine, here’s more.
    Love you all!

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    25 min