
  • Disoriented Newcomer : Aleph
    May 4 2024

    Aleph a newcomer at school seems a bit off, anyone with a normal point of view would have said that but what happens if we see things from his point of view? Turns out there's more to him than that meets the eye.

    Report card day reveals that his grades are not any better than an average kid, but what sets him apart? Observing the kid Aleph turned out more insightful than one would expect and it gave us the answer we were looking for initially. He doesn't care about his future and only likes to play games. Some people already see him as the weird kid but if one were to spend time with him it would change their thoughts.

    Slowly molding someone the way you want them to be can be sometimes easy and sometimes very hard, but once done the road is very easy from then on and the up-taking is easier as well.

    Aleph has turned into a more normal and humane kid after consultation and a lot of indirect therapy.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    25 min
  • Laughing Jack : Eyeless Jack
    May 26 2024

    A deep delve into the legends of Laughing Jack and Eyeless Jack.

    Laughing Jack being an imaginary friend of "James" created by him to get away from boredom and loneliness but it takes a wrong turn? Laughing Jack at first was a good friend of James bringing joy and happiness into his life but slowly revealing his true natures and malicious intent. Kidnapping and vanishing kids from James neighborhood without a trace. People started suspecting James and his imaginary friend of his but no evidence they could find lead to them.

    Eyeless Jack being another legend of the internet first appearing in 4chan and then on creepypasta.com, he is said to be a supernatural being with a blue mask and no eyes. Preying on humans who are isolated and alone at night, removing their body parts surgically such as eyes, arms and kidneys with succession and stitching up the wounds flawlessly; he is said to have anatomical knowledge and even medical knowledge too. Possessing tremendous stealth and strength he is almost never caught in the act. It is said that he uses these body parts for some sinister rituals.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    25 min
  • Jeff the Killer : Go to sleep
    Jun 2 2024

    In this chilling episode of "Mindful Progress: A Journey," we dive deep into the sinister legend of Jeff the Killer. Join us as we unravel the mysteries surrounding this infamous figure, from his tragic origin story to his terrifying reign of terror. Delve into the dark corners of the internet as we examine the impact of Jeff's story on online horror culture and its enduring legacy. Get ready for a spine-tingling exploration of one of the most iconic Creepypasta characters of all time. Brace yourself for a journey into the heart of darkness with Jeff the Killer.

    Jeffrey C. Hodek, a teenager who had an encounter with bullies; driving them off and beating them up brutally resulting in his brother taking the blame and going to jail. Another encounter later, Jeff had killed one of the bullies only to get bleach thrown at his face and getting lit on fire by another. He liked his new burnt look and the doctor let him go thinking it was merely a side effect of the painkillers only for us as the readers and listeners to find out that it wasn't the case. Carving his face into a smile and burning his eyelids off so that he wouldn't need to close his eyes anymore and could always see his face; his mother thought he had gone crazy and told her husband that their son needed to be killed. Later that night, murdered by their son after he had heard this; Jeff tells his brother, who was recently released, to go to sleep right before putting a knife/dagger right through his body killing him as well and rebranding himself(Jeffery) as Jeff the Killer.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    29 min
  • Unraveling the Myth: The Complete Story of Slender Man
    Jun 16 2024

    "Mindful Progress: A Journey," we delve deep into the enigmatic and terrifying world of Slender Man. Join us as we explore every facet of this internet-born legend, from his eerie origins to his lasting legacy in popular culture.

    We'll begin with Slender Man's mysterious background and origins, tracing his roots to the depths of online forums and the fertile imaginations that birthed him. Discover the dark story that brought this faceless figure into the collective consciousness and the geographical myths that surround his supposed hauntings.

    We'll uncover the chilling details of Slender Man's victims, examining the real-life incidents that blurred the lines between fiction and reality. Learn how the media has portrayed this sinister figure and the impact of his legend on those who believed in him.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    26 min