• New Services And Growing Your Practice
    Jan 18 2021

    One of the best ways to expand your practice is to offer additional services. Here are the two things you have to get right to be successful with this in 2021.

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    10 min
  • 2021 Facebook Advertising Cost Predictions
    Jan 15 2021

    It's literally my business to pay close attention to Facebook and to be ready for changes in Facebook advertising for my clients.

    Here are my predictions for this year and how it relates to your practice advertising.

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    13 min
  • Getting More Clicks On Your Facebook Ads
    Jan 14 2021

    It all starts with the click! I got a question in "How do I get people to click on my Facebook ads?" The answer is not what you may think.

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    6 min
  • Money-motivated Vs. Duty
    Dec 10 2020

    Hi, As a practice owner, where are you on the scale of motivation? Money? Duty? It makes a huge difference in your eventual success. Conquer this in 5 minutes.

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    7 min
  • Stressed? Marketing Is Probably Not The Real Problem
    Dec 3 2020

    You probably have your patient delivery down to a smooth machine. How about the other 20 areas of your practice?

    If you are feeling stress in practice, it's a symptom with an underlying cause. Take 5 minutes and get the cure.

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    9 min
  • Stop The Abuse
    Dec 1 2020

    I get so angry when I hear how marketing companies mistreat their clients. Crap results, lame excuses, and poor communication. Let me give you an example:

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    6 min
  • Why Your Website Repels New Patients
    Nov 30 2020

    I just found out why so many practice websites chronically underperform. It's an error in who the website was made FOR and losing sight of the real PURPOSE of a website.

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    11 min
  • I'm Worried About Your Practice In 2021
    Nov 27 2020

    When things are crazy, you have to look at what you can control. Here is my honest advice on how to prosper in our new turbulent world. Plus, I give away access to our top-tier services at a discount and with as little risk as possible. Let me and my team help you thrive in 2021. Please consider my offer.

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    7 min