• Subtlety - Pt. 3: Channeling Subtle Frequency - Feather Lightwork Ep. 28
    May 10 2024

    In the art of channeling subtle frequency, we move in synchrony with the life force energy that harmonizes us all, from Earth to Star. The common thread of interconnection is a three-stranded braid of Divine Trinity we identify as: Love, Spirit, and The Adamantine. The Adamantine is the unbreakable assembly of particles and patterns, commanded by Love and filled with Spirit. In another way of saying it, The Adamantine is Love and Spirit in material form. This is the "Ruby String" between everything in our worldly existence, threaded through space and time.

    Channeling subtle frequency is an exercise in receptivity. Receiving subtle energy is a process of opening ourselves to messages from the divine and the wisdom of our higher selves. These experiences may come as gentle whispers or sudden insights, carrying Peace, Unconditional Love, Grace, and Truth that resonates. By embracing subtle frequency, we connect with the realm of the unseen and the intuitive. Whether it's through clairaudience, clairvoyance, or simply tuning into our inner knowing, we opening our ears, eyes, hands, hearts, and minds to the Voice of voices. Developing the "voice" of our inner knowing isn't about showing off or inflating egos; it's about recognizing that this natural ability resides in each of us.

    Just as nature expresses itself in myriad ways, so too can we connect with the world around us and our own spiritual essence. Grounding practices like visualization and energy work offer a subtle yet powerful way to anchor ourselves in the present moment and connect with the energy of the Earth and the cosmos. It is often the quiet moments of introspection and connection that hold the most meaning. By honing our ability to tune into the subtle cues of our intuition, we can navigate life with greater clarity, purpose, and authenticity.

    *** The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor. *** Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com) Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com) Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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    28 min
  • Subtlety - Pt. 2: Dancing with Chi - Feather Lightwork Ep. 27
    May 3 2024

    Through practicing the art of dancing with chi, we activate our higher states of being. Ideally, we access the Flow state, also known as being "in the zone." This is the complete absorption and focus in an activity, with a sense of energized presence, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. The art of dancing with chi encompasses the practice of harmonizing with the subtle energy within and around us. It involves cultivating awareness of the Flow of chi, or life force energy, and learning to move in harmony with it through various physical and meditative practices. By tuning into the rhythms of chi, we can enhance our vitality, balance, and well-being, fostering a deeper connection with themselves and the natural world.

    As we dance with chi, or subtle frequency, we exercise our gifts as mediums. This practice helps us to proceed on the path of our higher purpose, beginning with our self-knowing, leading to self-healing, and continuing with our Work to heal the world. It is as if we are hollow bones, or blades of grass, when chi moves through us, working its wonders. Miracles unfold. Dancing with chi is a continuation of our study in the concepts of subtlety and substantiality in various aspects of life. This activation is particularly useful in the area of personal growth and spiritual development. It is a practice in slowing down, tuning into subtle energies, and making space for deeper connections with ourselves and the world around us.

    For the purposes of better knowing ourselves, our passions, and our paths, we see benefits through the practice of verbal processing. This practice is possible when we speak our truths out loud, ideally with loved ones, for self-reflection. Let's acknowledge where we are as individuals and as unified tribes, using subtle communication and intention to foster deeper connections. Grounding and anchoring ourselves in the present moment, we tap into the heart space as a wellspring of transformation and unconditional love. Let's consider the benefits of quiet introspection and deep breathing for soothing your nervous system. Let's discover the significance of subtlety in experiences such as taste, sound, and visual perception, noticing how small adjustments can have profound effects on our well-being.

    *** The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor. *** Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com) Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com) Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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    32 min
  • Subtlety - Pt. 1: Subtle vs Substantial - Feather Lightwork Ep. 26
    Apr 30 2024

    Studying subtlety can enhance our awareness of our light bodies, including the messages conveyed by the body, mind, emotions, and even those perceived outside of conventional understanding. In essence, the study of subtlety enables us to become increasingly attuned to the subtle energies present within ourselves and the world around us, including those that lie beyond the veil of ordinary perception. Heightened physical awareness allows us to recognize subtle signals and sensations in the body, along with energy shifts, tensions, or discomforts that may indicate imbalances or underlying issues. Heightened mental awareness involves observations of ideas, beliefs, and thought patterns, enabling us to recognize, discern, and choose those notions that support our well-being. Heightened emotional awareness develops an intelligence in the areas of self-regulation, improved interpersonal relationships, and greater empathy and compassion. Studying subtle energy often involves tapping into intuition. This practice may involve beyond-the-veil experiences. Studying subtlety encourages the integration of body, mind, heart, and spirit into a holistic framework of awareness. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these aspects of self, we can develop a more comprehensive understanding of their experiences and the subtle energies at play within and around us. This holistic awareness fosters personal growth, well-being, and alignment with a deeper purpose, passion, or path. *** The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor. *** Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com) Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com) Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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    22 min
  • Fill Up Your Love Cup - Pt. 2: Calling In Companionship
    Apr 19 2024

    Let’s explore another path of love. This time we’ll focus on attracting companionship. Preparing for a partner involves holding an intention for the desired companion, trusting in this person’s arrival, and actively preparing for his or her presence. Practical steps include emptying a bedside drawer or setting a table for two, while engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach to romance, we recognize the laws of physics, just as we witness the Law of Attraction: Love attracts love. The process of calling in companionship begins with the initial work of self-care and self-respect, extending similar care and respect to another person. Trusting our worthiness of loving companionship is easy when we first embody the love in ourselves. While each of us is like a Sun, with the ability to spread love in all directions, we recommend channeling our energy into a single focused beam. In this way, we encourage a slow, steady approach to dating. Rather than risking the energy dispersion and overwhelm that sometimes comes from an unfocused outreach, we suggest focusing on one potential partner at a time to fully explore intimate connection. This, we feel, is the top secret secret. Acknowledging the myriad expressions of love, from peaceful companionship to passionate intensity, we celebrate love in all its forms. We acknowledge the challenges of seeking companionship, including impatience, and the temptation to rush into relationships. We advocate for grace, and healthy boundaries, urging individuals to dissolve relationships that do not align with their true desires or values. Ultimately, love is the fundamental essence of existence, driving human connection and growth. *** The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor. *** Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com) Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com) Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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    28 min
  • Fill Up Your Love Cup - Pt. 1: Going Home To Love - Feather Lightwork Ep. 24
    Apr 12 2024

    The concept of “filling up your love cup” is a way to connect with Source energy and nurture ourselves. The phrase symbolizes reaching up to heaven, or down into the innermost, reconnecting with the infinite wellspring of Pure Love. It emphasizes the importance of self-care, authenticity, and self-respect in maintaining well-being, while bringing love into our lives. Ultimately, self-love involves caring for the whole self—body, heart, mind, and soul. What is self-love? This is a life-long study. Its various aspects include listening to our bodies, setting healthy boundaries, and acknowledging the emotions, even the challenging ones. It reflects on the journey of self-discovery and the significance of being true to ourselves in navigating life's struggles. Let’s recognize that love is the driving force behind all existence. It is the true essence of who we are, and the same is true of everyone and everything, Earth to star. Co-hosts, Cabe and Audrey, offer their personal experiences, such as dealing with chronic pain and emotional challenges, illustrating the complexities and opportunities of the self-love journey. Their stories highlight the role of intuition, self-awareness, and self-acceptance in cultivating a loving relationship with ourselves. *** The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor. *** Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com) Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com) Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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    37 min
  • Be The Change You Wish To See
    Apr 5 2024

    Dear fellow visionary, you are the change you wish to see in the world. You already know the roles of your higher calling: Creative Fire, Warrior of the Light, Sacred Medicine Cultivator... These are the traits to cultivate as we awaken to the dawn of a new era. This is a time of profound transformation both in the cosmos, within our collective consciousness, and in the innermost. In the midst of the chaos and clamor of the world, there's a whisper echoing through the ethers, calling out to every single one of us. It's a call to rise and shine. Artists, entrepreneurs, trailblazers, and prayer warriors—this is our moment. It's time to recognize the signs of the change, and to step into our leadership potential as creators of our own destiny. With every thought, every intention, every action, we have the power to shape the world around us. We acknowledge the unknowns, with narrative of fear, destruction, and control. We recognize it's easy to lose sight of reality. But beneath the surface of this illusion lies the peace, love, grace, and truth that reigns supreme. “Where your heart is, there your treasure lies.” We see the evidence of this in the gentle breeze, flowers, bees... Nature itself is a testament to the benevolence of the universe, a reminder that we are held in its embrace, guided by its wisdom. So let's grow, thrive, and prosper, dear friends, as we embrace this moment with open hearts and open minds. Let's stand strong as beacons of light in a world that sometimes seems shrouded in darkness. Let's create, innovate, and inspire, knowing that our collective efforts have the power to bring about profound and lasting change. Let's encourage each other. We're all in this together. *** The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor. *** Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com) Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com) Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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    49 min
  • Befriending The Darkness
    Mar 29 2024

    Metaphorically speaking, befriending the darkness, refers to embracing the aspects of life that are often considered challenging, uncomfortable, or difficult. While it may seem counterintuitive to focus our attention on the shadow side of life, there are advantages to accepting and honoring the darker parts of who we are. Befriending the darkness leads to a sense of freedom, moving through life with greater ease, unrestricted by the weight of our fears and insecurities. Shadow work allows for illumination in the form of self-reflection and personal growth. By confronting and exploring our fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our inner workings. When we learn to navigate difficult emotions and experiences, we become more resilient in the face of adversity. Instead of suppressing or denying difficult emotions, we can integrate them into a deeper sense of self-awareness. Darkness is the balancing aspect of lightness—the two are mutually dependent. Like the light, the dark offers its own distinct gifts for the human condition. Along those lines, the darkness can be a wellspring of creativity and inspiration. Artists, writers, and musicians often draw from their own struggles and pain to create meaningful and evocative works of art. This is the space of the cocoon, where caterpillars go to butterfly out. This is the space of the womb. This is the space. *** The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor. *** Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com) Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com) Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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    49 min
  • Remembering + Resolving Teenage Traumas
    Mar 15 2024

    As you work through the process of remembering and resolving teenage traumas, our recommended step-by-step approach begins with acknowledgement. We venture to say that all of us endure some level of trauma during our teenage years. This could be due to various factors such as bullying, abuse, family conflict, low self-esteem, or loss. Can we be real with these pain points and feel them, in order to heal? Next, let’s reflect on the impact. Recalling how these experiences affected you, we invite you to consider how they may have influenced your thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns. Some of us carry these burdens into adulthood. But the good news is that support is available, and it begins inward, when we show up for ourselves with conscious awareness and compassion, giving ourselves the remedy: self-love. In this case, self-love might involve self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and self-care. Additional support can come from friends, family members, or mental health professionals, of course. Verbalizing our challenges aloud gives us the benefit of feeling the traumas, so we can empathize with ourselves, gain deeper understanding, and self-guidance, along with the supportive perspectives that may come from others who care. Further exploring the trauma may include journaling or engaging in creative activities like art or music therapy. With practice, you may arrive at a sense of completion, at which point the deeper healing happens. Practice non-judgement, reviewing your life situation with a soft gaze, in a neutral stance. Practice self-compassion, recognizing that it’s OK to feel a range of emotions. Practice grounding techniques to stay present and calm when you experience triggers or distress. Practice forgiveness and letting go. Practice setting new patterns in motion. *** The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor. *** Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com) Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com) Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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    38 min