
  • Don't Wait!
    May 3 2022

    Procrastination is one of the biggest challenges we all have to overcome at some point. Whether it's feeling lazy, or lack of discipline or proper planning, we have all faced the results of waiting until the last minute. While listening ask yourself what should you have completed by now? That book? That paper? What about that chore that's been waiting for two weeks now? Whatever it is, go do it! Wait no longer, reclaim your life and your time, and become free from the stress of procrastination. Your life and time belong to you, it's time to take it back!

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    15 min
  • Purpose To Profit
    Apr 5 2022

    Join in as I speak with Kyle and Anitria Odum about business, marriage, and purpose. They help us to understand how we can take our passion and turn it into a source of income. Kyle and Anitria are the owners of Philly's own "4 Every Occasion Cakes & Cupcakes". We discuss keys to discovering your purpose, how you and your spouse or future spouse can manage a business together, great tips for wives and husbands, and of course they disclose some business acumen to help you become successful. This conversation is filled with laughter, and wisdom and you don't want to miss it. You can follow Anitria on Instagram @phillycakelady, and their business page on Facebook "4 Every Occasion Cakes & Cupcakes". Come, learn, laugh and appreciate what our Odum family had to say. Have a pen and paper nearby!

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    1 ora e 2 min
  • The Blindspot
    Mar 22 2022

    Today's episode takes self reflection to a greater level. I discuss a question that allows others to call me out on some of my mess and I refuse to be messy alone (this is where you come in). The "Blindspot" is an area of our personality or character that we don't get the luxury of observing. It's typically a trait that can provide challenges for others in our relationships, and more importantly create greater obstacles for you to achieve your dreams. I urge you all to listen, and learn how to ask and respond to the hard question of "What's my Blindspot?" There's an opportunity for you to hear something that can benefit your life, and compel you to share with your loved ones what their blindspot may be. Enjoy, as I prepare you for what can be a difficult conversation in the moment, but a fruitful one in the end!

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    12 min
  • Welcome, to Daniel's Den!
    Mar 8 2022
    Family and friends, welcome to the first episode of Daniel's Den! I share some of the topics we'll discuss on this platform, with also sharing some of the challenges I've faced while preparing to start this project. Life, excuses, and anxiety can hinder us from achieving our goals, but once you overcome those distractions and began working on your vision, the internal reward is incomparable. Choosing not to be discouraged or intimidated by the workload ahead provides you with the boldness, and the ability to stay focused on your dreams, desires, etc. Join me as I discuss what's to come in the very near future and again, thank you for tuning into Daniel's Den Podcast!
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    10 min