
  • 3 wedding miracles!
    Mar 9 2024

    Noah built an ark believing it would save his family's life. It's too late to start building when it has started raining. We will never have miracle stories to share if we don't position ourselves in a place of faith. Don't wait for the miracle to come, and then move. MOVE, STEP OUT and the miracle will come!

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    12 min
  • 4 tips to live holy w/ your girlfriend
    Feb 26 2024

    God is the definition of Love and He created sex.

    However the Bible is clear that we must live in holiness and purity and flee from lustful desires until marriage.

    Even though it is difficult I want to tell you that it is POSSIBLE! Yes, it's possible to live in holiness in 2024.

    I believe we should both allow God's grace to teach us how to say no to ungodliness & set good practical boundaries to avoid finding ourselves in tempting situations. Here are 4 tips that have helped me & my fiancée Jane. Enjoy!

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    12 min
  • Supernatural healing w/ Joachim Sveinungsen
    Nov 22 2023

    Listen to Joachim Sveinungsen's story. He is a part of Jesus revolution & the concert team. He travels Europe preaching Jesus and seeing people saved and healed. One encounter with Jesus can change the course of your life. Lean back and be encouraged by his story.

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    18 min
  • From partying to Jesus w/ Sebastian Mehlen
    Oct 22 2023

    Listen to Sebastian Mehlen's story. He is a half American half Norwegian Evangelist, principal of the Norwegian Bible school TBBMI, leader of Jesus movement & Jesus revolution. By listening to his story you will realise how one encounter with Jesus can change the course of your life!

    Mostra di più Mostra meno
    15 min
  • How I stay on fire
    Sep 22 2023

    Do you ever look back and think - "I used to be so on fire, but now..." or maybe you have never truly felt such a strong passion for Jesus and the lost. Either way this episode is for you! May the Holy Spirit give you revelation and fill you up with His power.

    The church was born with the Holy Spirit, we cannot survive without Him.

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    15 min
  • How to control your thoughts
    May 22 2023
    Did you know there's a distinction between instrusive and lustful thoughts? How do we take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ, in a practical way? Are you a victim of your thoughts or are you dominating them? "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Chorinthians 10:5 "The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force!” Matthew 11:12
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    13 min
  • Faith is spelled RISK (part 2)
    Apr 22 2023

    "Faith without works is dead" James 2:17

    By faith Noah built an ark; by faith Abraham was ready to sacrifice Isaac; by faith the prostitute Rahab welcomed the spies.

    Is your faith active? The Bible says demons believe in God and they tremble. We are not called to simply believe there is a God in Heaven. We are called to have a personal relationship with God and to live a life of faith.

    As you step out in faith, trust that God's provision will follow you.

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    14 min
  • Faith is spelled RISK (part 1)
    Mar 22 2023

    "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command so that what is SEEN was not made out of what was VISIBLE".

    Genesis 1

    • The earth was formless and empty
    • Darkness was over the surface of the deep

    And what was in the midst of darkness?

    God's spirit! It was waiting for God to speak out in FAITH! God said "let there be light" - and there was light!

    Are you living a life of faith? What are you waiting for?

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    14 min