• Make Habits Fun: Stop Making Health So Serious
    Apr 18 2024

    What we’re talking about: Strategies for balancing personal health, family responsibilities, and work obligations, focusing on developing sustainable habits and routines.

    Why it matters: Pursuing agency requires finding ways to effectively manage our time, energy, and priorities to ensure we are taking care of our physical and mental well-being while fulfilling our commitments to others.

    What actions to take:

    🍲 Plan and prepare healthy meals in advance, making the process fun and engaging for the whole family.

    🏃 Incorporate physical activity and mobility exercises into quality time with loved ones, turning them into enjoyable bonding experiences.

    🧘 Practice relaxation techniques like yin yoga and yoga nidra to unwind, manage stress, and improve sleep quality.

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    Optimal Agency aims to help you own your life so you have the freedom to impact the world, pursue work you love, and spend your hours how you want. Be sure to subscribe or follow the show so you don’t miss any new episodes.

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    23 min
  • Agency in Action: Building a Life with Zero Compromise
    Apr 11 2024

    What we’re talking about: We discuss personal agency, self-improvement, and overall well-being with Dr. Sean Pastuch, founder of Active Life, a brand that combines education, exercise, and mentorship to empower a life of freedom without compromise.

    Why it matters: Understanding and pursuing agency is crucial for living a life free from unnecessary compromises and limitations, enabling individuals to make choices aligned with their values, goals, and authentic selves.

    What actions to take:

    🧘‍♀️ Reflect on areas where you may be compromising your values, relationships, or well-being, and identify steps to align your actions with your desired identity and life.

    💰 Explore ways to develop skills for generating additional income, such as sales, networking, or pursuing passions that can be monetized, to increase financial freedom and agency.

    🧑‍🏫 Seek out mentors or role models who embody the qualities and mindset you aspire to, and learn from their experiences

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    Optimal Agency aims to help you own your life so you have the freedom to impact the world, pursue work you love, and spend your hours how you want. Be sure to subscribe or follow the show so you don’t miss any new episodes.

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    58 min
  • Healthier Weekends: Give Up Your Gains Grudgingly
    Apr 4 2024

    What we’re talking about: How to maintain healthy habits and a balanced lifestyle on the weekends, avoiding the tendency to overindulge after being strict during the week.

    Why it matters: Maintaining consistent healthy habits and avoiding cycles of overindulgence is crucial for Agency, as it allows individuals to remain in control, build sustainable progress, and avoid self-sabotaging behaviors that undermine their values and goals.

    What actions to take:

    🏃‍♂️ Incorporate recreation and enjoyable physical activities into your weekly routine, rather than treating exercise solely as training or work.

    🍎 Replace processed foods and alcohol with healthier, whole food alternatives that provide a sense of relaxation and enjoyment, such as fresh fruits, smoothies, or homemade treats.

    🎨 Diversify your identity and reduce stress by exploring new hobbies and activities that engage different types of intelligence, such as mechanical, cognitive, social, or physical pursuits.

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    Optimal Agency aims to help you own your life so you have the freedom to impact the world, pursue work you love, and spend your hours how you want. Be sure to subscribe or follow the show so you don’t miss any new episodes.

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    27 min
  • The Organizing Principle: Choose More Time Over More Money
    Mar 28 2024

    What we’re talking about: The importance of choosing more time over more income as an organizing principle for achieving greater agency and life satisfaction.

    Why it matters: Prioritizing time freedom over wealth accumulation allows individuals to diversify their identities, reduce stress, and align their actions with their values, enabling them to exercise greater control over their lives.

    What actions to take:

    🧘‍♂️ Accurately calculate your financial needs, including core income, discretionary spending, and savings for retirement, and find ways to earn only that amount, or slightly more, in less time than you currently work.

    🌱 Use the resulting time freedom to diversify your identity through self-development and contribution to activities and pursuits that align with your values and aspirations.

    💼 Explore opportunities for multiple income streams or employers that allow you to earn more per unit of time, reducing your overall time commitment while maintaining your desired income level.

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    Optimal Agency aims to help you own your life so you have the freedom to impact the world, pursue work you love, and spend your hours how you want. Be sure to subscribe or follow the show so you don’t miss any new episodes.

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    50 min
  • Low Volatility Jobs: Overcoming Limitations & Finding Opportunities
    Mar 21 2024

    What we’re talking about: The financial challenges and opportunities faced by teachers, emphasizing the importance of leveraging free time and alternative sources of income to optimize wealth.

    Why it matters: It highlights how understanding and leveraging the underlying benefits and sureties of your profession, like a pension or schedule flexibility, can enable you to take calculated risks and pursue financial growth and independence.

    What actions to take:

    🎓 Consider getting a cost-effective master's degree for a pay raise in the education field.

    💼 Look into entrepreneurship in your free time, particularly during summer, to generate additional income.

    📚 Read the book "Systems Thinking for Business" by Rich Jolly to apply systems thinking in your profession and potentially in a side hustle.

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    Optimal Agency aims to help you own your life so you have the freedom to impact the world, pursue work you love, and spend your hours how you want. Be sure to subscribe or follow the show so you don’t miss any new episodes.

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    24 min
  • Agency in Action: Running a Successful Business from an Airstream
    Mar 14 2024

    What we’re talking about: The journey of Jonathan and Blakely, founders of Digital Barbell, in pursuing agency and helping others overcome the victim mindset to take control of their health and fitness.

    Why it matters: Mindset and taking ownership of one's health and well-being are key aspects of personal autonomy and empowerment.

    What actions to take:

    📅 Set clear timelines and deadlines for tasks to increase productivity and avoid procrastination.

    📝 Keep track of progress and results to stay motivated and see the impact of consistent effort.

    💰 Seek professional help and guidance when needed, such as hiring a financial advisor, to make informed decisions and create a plan for financial stability and growth.

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    Optimal Agency aims to help you own your life so you have the freedom to impact the world, pursue work you love, and spend your hours how you want. Be sure to subscribe or follow the show so you don’t miss any new episodes.

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    56 min
  • Doubling Your Net Worth: Concentration, Diversification, Liquidity, & Patience
    Mar 7 2024

    What we’re talking about: The importance of diversification and liquidity in maintaining wealth, using the example of a Texan realtor couple aiming to double their net worth in five years.

    Why it matters: Understanding the principles of diversification and liquidity is crucial in managing wealth and achieving financial stability, which, in turn, empowers you with the agency to live life on your own terms.

    What actions to take:

    🎯 Reassess your financial goals to ensure they are achievable and reasonable, taking into account the rule of 72.

    💰 Diversify your investment portfolio to protect your wealth and prevent potential financial downturns.

    🔄 Ensure your assets are liquid enough to provide the cash flow you need for your lifestyle, avoiding the trap of being 'house rich and cash poor'.

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    Optimal Agency aims to help you own your life so you have the freedom to impact the world, pursue work you love, and spend your hours how you want. Be sure to subscribe or follow the show so you don’t miss any new episodes.

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    27 min
  • Don’t Acquire Things: Stealth Wealth vs. Conspicuous Consumption
    Feb 29 2024

    What we’re talking about: The importance of conscious spending, understanding the trap of the hedonic treadmill and the pitfalls of consumer debt, and strategies for avoiding unnecessary acquisitions to increase personal wealth and agency

    Why it matters: Understanding and implementing these concepts is key to gaining financial freedom and enhancing personal agency, as it allows individuals to make conscious decisions about their spending habits, ultimately leading to increased savings and wealth.

    What actions to take:

    🛍️ Practice "stealth wealth" by living modestly and not showing off your wealth through conspicuous consumption.

    🏦 Avoid debt, especially for depreciating assets, to prevent reverse compounding.

    🔄 Be aware of the hedonic treadmill and make conscious decisions to avoid unnecessary purchases, focusing instead on the things that truly bring you joy and value.

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    Optimal Agency aims to help you own your life so you have the freedom to impact the world, pursue work you love, and spend your hours how you want. Be sure to subscribe or follow the show so you don’t miss any new episodes.

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    45 min